Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I did it !

Here I am with my friend and fellow massage therapist, Kelly DeSouza, and Helen Russell, my sister's mother-in-law. Kelly ran with me- and kicked my butt, might I add, and kept me motivated. She didn't train at all, but used to be a runner, so her pace was much quicker than mine. Helen has been running for a while, and actually won the race for her age category (ages 55-59 women). She was amazing!

I am saying this publicly- I ran my first 5k in 36:09. I was glad I did it under 40 minutes, but then when I actually saw my time I wished I would have pushed it a little harder. Much to my dismay the first 2 miles or so was mostly uphill, and I felt the difference between that and my air-conditioned room at the gym on the soft treadmill, so I am adding out door running to my schedule. Yikes- I said it, so I guess I am committed. I want to sign up for another 5k in a couple of months and see if I can beat 35:00. It's a small step, but isn't that what got me here in the first place?


  1. You go girl! I still have never run a 5k, but I will someday. 35 minutes sounds amazing to me...I hate to think what my first time would be.

    What a suprise to see Kelly in your photo. She is my neighbor, and we played volleyball together a couple of years ago. She is so fun.

  2. Wow! That is so awesome. I get winded walking up the driveway now. You Rock!

  3. YOU SO ROCK!!!! Yet another thing about you that is amazing!!

  4. You are a power woman! I meant to ask you how it went, but forgot. That is my goal for next spring to run a 5k. Now you have inspired me to. Thanks for coming by it was so fun to visit!

  5. Great job!!! I'm running in Mapleton's 5K on the 24th...I usually pull a pretty good time, but this year I'm thinking of running with my brother, but I'm scared cause he RUNS, not JOGS! But I want to push myself and see just how fast I could really do it!...We'll see....


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?