Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I have been Tagged- help me out!

Everyone reading this HAS to do it. I tag anyone who hasn't had this memory tag on there blog yet!! (Remember to post a picture of yourself.) If I am doing it you should too. It will be fun to see what everyone remembers about me and even more fun, what I remember about you!! haha!

*Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember, good or bad.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.Come on all my blog followers... I want to post some about you, let's see this on your blog!!!


  1. You were such a great addition to the choir, dedicated and talented. My favorite was the trio singing I'm trying to be like Jesus... great memory

  2. All my memories of you are so good. I just love how bubbly you are, and I always want to emulate your zest for life. When you tell a story I love how you describe things, you making going to Ikea seem like a vacation! :) I loved going to the Trolley for lunch, let's do that again soon.

  3. My memory is also of Cats. I have lots but here are a few. I loved that alll day marathon practice. I remember you clogging across the stage when that cotton-eyed joe song came on. I also love how we mom all grouped together and had so much fun and lost so much weight together. I loved your opening wiggle then pose on the first song of the show. So cool. It got you a whole front page photo on the newspaper! I also really loved the part where you and Dawn sang together while we all walked closer to Grizabella singing "Grizabella the glamor cat. Good times!

  4. memories do you realy want them here for every one to see? I have lots. chocolate milk and toast, I think that was a staple. long talks. and laughing until someone peed their pants

  5. I have SO MANY MEMORIES...it's hard to choose. I just remember the days when we were both trying to survive as young moms and maintain our sanity from day to day. We really helped each other through that and now I look back on those days in the "townhomes" with fondness. Other memories include MANY late night heart to hearts at BUNCO, commiserating about our families :0), early breakfast and bookstore trips, many fun 24th's on your front lawn and hanging out when we were both at Park View. One of my favorite memories was when I had been so sick in 2004 and you and Carly kidnapped me and pampered me with a massage, haircut, pedicure and manicure. That was the best day and I will never forget it. You are seriously one of my best friends Ramona and you have helped me be a better mom and a better person. Love ya!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?