Monday, July 28, 2008

Inspire me

Now, I am not hitting as hard as I had hoped I would, mostly because of my headaches (which are starting to go away, thank heavens), BUT I have to say it made my day today when Janna picked me up to go to the gym and said my legs looked skinny..... *loveyouforsayingthat*. I am slowly starting to get the idea of this whole thing.... Ran a mile and a half while talking. It is something.

dear everyone reading my blog...
"What inspires you to get up and get moving?"


  1. Good to hear your headache is going away!!
    And i'm glad you are working out! Good for you!
    I lost my inspiration...but when i see people who have overcome their obstacles and reached their goals...that inspires me! (at least for an hour...haha)

  2. inspiration lacking, chin growing

  3. Love it..... you really don't have to look too hard to see people doing great things- whether that is exercising or sitting in the hospital with a tiny baby :-)

  4. What inspires me to get up in the morning is running before kids get up. I did that in Cats and became so addicted to it. I got to where I would wake up before the alarm. It sets the tone of the day too and I also eat better because I don't want that run to be wasted.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?