Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Much better.

So, if I am totally honest I still have a tiny bit of strain on the back of my head, but it is so small compared to how I felt last week. I can't believe it- I too, can now swear by the "cash-only-stop-in-and-get-popped old Chiropractor". Last night I actually dreamt I was getting adjusted. Strange.

Now, I have to own up to the mess that is my house. I got up and cleaned yesterday, but that was from Sunday night dinner, so I didn't even make a dent in the rest of my house. What a sad world.... when mommy is down, the rest of the house somehow multiplies in clutter and chaos. Am I the only one that knows how to fill the dishwasher?

Ahhh. The simple life.....


  1. Let me also add; I can fashion an awesome ice pack out of double Ziploc baggies and a strategicly tied hoodie that will keep your neck and shoulder chilled for hours!

  2. You are so thrifty. I'm sorry you had bad neck. I hate that. When my back went out I just wanted to be shot. But I can relate now on the house cleaning thing. It's looking kinda scary here. And might be for awhile.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?