Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What's Up, Doc?

The blessed journey that is 'going to the doctor' is one I try to avoid. I can't say, why, really, it's just I will try about anything to NOT go to the doctor. Mike, however is tired of me ignoring the pain in my head (which has caused pain in the neck and back) which has continued for 5 weeks or so.

Today was the day. Surprisingly my Dr. came into my room before I had even filled out the paper work and signed all of my privacy act information (another thing to hate at the Dr.s) and quickly started asking questions while pushing on different areas of my head. Weird enough, a spot just behind my ear sent me through the roof, possibly my mastiod sinus, plus the back of my head hurt when he pushed on the area that has been bothering me. My options- treat this like a sinus infection (which I have heard causes localized pain if the sinuses in the back of the skull get infected) with a heavy dose of Augmentin, or proceed to getting a CAT scan. I choose to go with the prescription first, but if my yummy dose of antibiotics doesn't nip the pain and throbbing then I have to get a CAT scan in a few weeks. yip-yip- yipee.

One complaint- I wanted to pay for my visit when I was leaving, and they were all baffled at the front desk, and couldn't figure out how I should pay, or how much it would cost, and wanted me to wait and go talk to the ladies in 'financial', so I figured I would pay tomorrow since I have to take my son in for shots. But really- is it just me, or have things gone completely amiss in this world when someone wants to pay for her appointment and the front desk can't handle that?

1 comment:

  1. That is SO messed up and frustrating and reminding me of my Dr. appointment today. Ugh. Not to mention the endless "sales" they seem to pitch about products, tests, and etc. I'm just dumping. Sorry about your head!!! I hope the medicine works!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?