Thursday, August 28, 2008

Keeping Busy

I am not sure what I was thinking, but this summer I had a panic, worried I will never get out of debt unless I get working.... but the thing is, I am working.

I'm not sure why I feel, some times, I have to leave the house 'dressed up' to feel like I am working. The last few weeks have kept me hopping, and the free time I was planning on when school started has been filled with appointments. My Dave Ramsey phone call also helped me appreciate what I have.

I realized how lucky this really is- I kind of have the best of both worlds (seriously, I am so blessed! :-) and had to take a minute to thank people who may be reading this blog... many of you are clients, or have sent clients my way, and I have the best clientele imaginable. I realized by switching gears to do something I enjoy, doing it with a better attitude, and being grateful for the ability to do it, I have more business.
It is very humbling to know I have friends and acquaintances who trust me..... in a perfect world we wouldn't need help in working out stress, tension, and troubles... but this world isn't perfect. So I guess that means I have a job.

1 comment:

  1. Ramona,
    Love this post ..I feel the same way , so happy with the job I get to do & so thankful for my clientele ..But so hard to balance it all !
    BTW - I totally love you back in-a-not-creepy-girl-way!
    Marie ...wink-wink


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?