Thursday, September 4, 2008

Birds and Bees and Christmas Trees

Is it just me, or is something wrong with a world where we must discuss the birds and bees with our children while they are still young enough to be a believer at Christmas.
My dear husband insisted on having the "Santa Talk" with Hayden, remembering (maybe scarred by) kids teasing 'believers' in 4th grade.
I, of course, was against this. I want to believe they believe, and we all stay young together.
Last night he left a note with his tooth under his pillow requesting 'extra' money from the Tooth Fairy. This is not the first time he has left this request. Mike looked at me, holding the note in the wee hours of the night, and said "It's time."
Much to my surprise, Hayden giggled (like a kid) through the entire discussion. He laughed at the idea of being in on a new secret, and is excited to even sneak out of bed on Dec 24th and try his hand at 'elfing'. He also insisted he 'already knew'.
Well, if that is case, then I can not mourn the loss of yet another believer in my house.
At least now he will understand why Santa has never brought him a million dollars all those times he asked. Maybe growing up isn't so bad after all.


  1. Oh my! I think I would have had a heart attack! My oldest is in 4th grade and I NEVER want to tell him! Matter of fact I have never (even to this day) told my parents that I don't beleive. My mom always told us, "If you don't beleive, you don't receive". I have adopted that motto. Growing up is so hard to do (especially for the parents)!!

  2. Great motto- Jillene.
    Make no mistake, he and my husband laughed at me as I grabbed my sons hands and told him "it is still okay to believe in thte magic of Christmas! We can still leave notes and cookies out..."

    They think I am a sappy goof ball. So, AMEN to the sentiments- this growing up stuff is harder for parents, by far!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Don't feel so bad. I am an emotional train wreck. Just ask anyone. I am the 2nd Counselor in the Relief Society Pres. and when it is my turn to teach all of the old ladies open their purses and pass up tissues because they know that no matter what--I will cry.

  5. I'm sure he knew a long time ago. 4th grade seems a bit old to stil believe these days. He sounds like a smart, cunning kid, milking it for all it's worth. ;)

  6. Kristina-
    you are probably spot on! that sneaky little devil.....

  7. I found out when I was in 1st grade. I even remember the conversation vividly.

    *Bubble coming out of my tilting remembering head*****
    I was laying on the couch and I told my mom I was ready. At school people were saying Santa wasn't real and I didn't believe them. I came home and told her I was ready to hear the truth. She told me... "And the Easter Bunny?" I asked.. Yes she said. She left me to my thoughts and I cried and cried for days.

    I hope my kinds make it past 5 years old like I didn't.

    Throughout the rest of my life I've always wished I still believed. I'm excited to make it really special for my kids like you are doing.

  8. I still believe in Santa, and according to me, so does everyone in our house. Well, I wish they did. We just talk about how Santa is real in our hearts. That helps me to deal with it. The birds and the bees talk is really important, especially once they hit 4th grade. They learn so many things that just are so silly and unbelievable.

  9. My mom told me that Santa wouldn't come unless I told her that I believed in him. I was, like, a Jr. in high school before I finally told her I was pretty much almost sure he wasn't real.

  10. I really am not as traumatized by this as I thought I would be. I realized my kids are almost cuter, and more excited about Christmas, when they gather around their younger cousins and feed them stories filled of the Christmas spirit. Keeping the 'magic' alive for little ones is just as much fun as believeing yourself.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?