Friday, September 12, 2008

I really feel stupid

These things are driving me nuts. I have a hard enough time typing in the words I know, let alone the gibberish that is word verification.

They say it is like for protection, but wouldn't it be kind of cool if some random computer DID leave you like, a zillion comments? I finally have had comments break into the teens. That was a big moment for me.

I have been rejected so many times on this screen....... you have no idea.

And sometimes, they are like- 8 or 9 letters long. I suck at it. I am bound to re-type. Sometimes, too, you can't tell if it is 2 v's or 1 w. I'm just saying......

Beside the no 'edit' option for comments, this is really causing me grief. But that is a typing issues, too. Maybe it is time for a keyboarding class. When I took 'Typing' in high school we had super COOL electric typewriters (no computers to be seen anywhere), and there was a little white ribbon that would strike over your last letter so you could erase your typo.

I went through rolls and rolls of those ribbons.

So I am just letting you know;

word verification=total waste of time.


  1. Ramona, I actually wrote a somewhat similar post about 2 weeks, that I have saved for a rainy day, when I have nothing to post. But mine is about that weird little handicapped sign, next to the comment verification.

    And I hate these. I don't have one on mine, and I've only received one nasty anonymous comment, and no spam.

    And I've been rejected more times than I can count. Comment verification takes me back to high school. I need to find the number for my old therapist, now.

  2. Point Taken. I'm taking mine off :)

  3. Point taken too. I'm taking mine off..NOW!!

  4. Do I have that on mine? I don't even know.
    And thanks for tip on the pop up window for comments :)

  5. I used to get a LOT of spam comments linking to psychics who could tell you winning lotto numbers if you gave them your credit card info.
    I wanted to keep these psychics all to myself so I put up the word verification but I'll take it down now and share the secret.

  6. What IS that handicapped photo thing? I think I have the verification thing on my blog. I guess I can take it down just in hope that psychics would post.

  7. The handicapped thing is for people like me that also type the letters incorrectly. If you click on it it will say the letters out loud so you can type them.

  8. hahahahaha, I think I have an average of 2 attempts each time.

  9. THANKYOU. I have completely intended to rant about he same two things... I can't tell you how many times I have wante4d to hide in shame after seeing my typos as they pop up on someone else's blog, and not be able to do anything about it. I think the words are getting longer.

    Am I the only one who has the same difficulty with logging in, after the third time it tells me I am wrong I start saying mean things to the computer.

  10. Point in fact... meant to type "the", apparently typed "he", aaand somehow a "4" ended up in the middle of wanted? ... and now I can't change it!

    I feel like I am typing with my elbows sometimes.

  11. cb2-
    I have the same issues! I need spellcheck on the comment thing. I get to typing and then I am going so fast and I make a ton of errors and then I feel like the dunce of blogging! You are not alone!

  12. I didn't realize you could take this off until I saw someone who didn't have it. That opened up the flood gates of relief... and no, well, I took it off mine.

    You can thanks me later!

  13. You are right...these suck...I'm going to turn mine off right now!!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?