Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Totally What not to Wear

I know, I know..... these shoes are a staple in the lives of Utah mommies everywhere..... and last night I dug mine out of my closet and wore them out. Keep in mind, these in the picture are actually the cool Born brand.... mine were a knock off buy at Payless, at least 5 years ago. They are scufffed and worn, and slide on like a warm friendly glove.

I saw an episode of What not to Wear where the mom had the EXACT pair. To my horror Stacy and Clinton had the biggest laugh over them. I believe names like "sheep herder" and "clod hoppers" were involved.

My sister Krisi called me... "Those are YOUR shoes!" We laughed and laughed and I told her maybe it is time to throw them away.... but I never did. They are SOOOOO easy to slip on and off. I love these shoes.

Now it is fall in Utah. What does Stacy expect of a girl like me. I am wearing comfy jeans and a hoodie out and about. It is raining, muddy, and there are smushed leaves on the ground. Am I going to wear heels to the soccer game? I think not. Ballet Flats? Give me a break- the top of my foot would freeze. Tennis Shoes? Do I want to look like Jerry Seinfield- or better yet- a senior citizen on vacation? What's a girl to do? My cute Sketchers are so thin I can't wear socks with them, and the back of my jeans drag when I wear them. I am sorry- but a woman has got to be practical some days.

I have been shopping to look for an alternative many times. Anything that catches my eye looks like what I am already wearing. So for now, Stacy and Clinton can just shove it. I am wearing these loafers with pride.
The best $12.99 I have spent 5 years.


  1. I am an avid WNTW fan, and I have to agree with Stacy and Clinton. Those shoes have seen better days.

    They are OK with "sneakers." I own about 4 pairs, none of them white or Jerry Seinfeldish.

    P.S. Did you see him in the commercial with Bill Gates? What the *ell was that??? Oh, Jerry.

  2. I saw the Jerry Seinfeld/Bill Gates commercial yesterday. WTF?

    Those kinda remind me of Sister Missionary Shoes. (Although they do look comfortable!) But at least they're not crocs. Crocs are Dead to Me.

  3. I think those look surprisingly in good shape for being as old as they are. And 12 bucks. You got a steal, my friend. Don't toss them, cause you might (literally) need them for a rainy day.

    Saw the commercial.... not quite sure, I read an article on the inuendo's that might be behind it. I refuse to believe it!!

  4. don't fall for the trap!
    I have thrown things out thinking...Stacy and Clinton would never let me have this. And then, there I am a couple weeks later going through my closet and drawers and dirty laundry trying to find that perfect - COMFORTABLE - and convenient article of clothing. Only to remember...crap. I threw it out.

  5. I wore those exact shoes yesterday to Savvy's soccer game. We should go shoe shopping together....SOON!!!

  6. When you are a mom--comfort is most important. I make sure that my kids dress very well and have nice shoes while I on the other hand always look like the garbage lady. Keep the shoes--you will regret it if you don't!!

  7. Okay- so I am not really a croc fan either. I see that the majority of MOMS here seem to think it's okay if I break the 'rules' once in a while. I swear, I like to be fashionable when possible, and I LOVE buying heels.... but these babies... well, they have taken me miles and helped me make it through the stuff moms do. Until I find an equal, they stay. (But I will admit- at soccer pictures today a few moms showed up dressed to the nines. I wanted to hide my feet)

    And at my defense- my sister that laughed with me about this has a pair of fuzzy clogs she uses on the same days... she says they are a necessity, as well!

  8. I love practicality, so a good pair of comfort shoes are totally in order. Sorry to say, mine are crocs :0


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