Tuesday, October 7, 2008

If you ever travel with Mike

Before divulging the has beens of my vacation, I want to give you all a few travel tips for traveling with my husband. (Janna- this is especially for you and your Amazing Race hopes with Mike).

1~ Forget about "what time it is at home". It doesn't matter if your two hours ahead, so getting up at 6 is like getting up at 4, there is no 'home' time. The time is what is, no excuses. Even if that means curling up in a fetal position for a nap on the back seat while you drive across 3 states.....you get up and get it done.

2~ When you have a chance to eat, take it. If you are not a 'breakfast person' you are now. You sit down at that hotel breakfast and get your fill. You do not know for sure when the next meal may be. Hunger is no excuse for bad attitudes or crankiness of any kind. Adding a huge breakfast to my daily meals has always meant gaining an instant 5 lbs on every trip we have gone on. Oh well.

3~ Try to stretch the bladder. Even though your bladder may be naturally small, and you get a little antsy when the urge hits, you have got to buck up. Somedays are better than others for this, but it seemed easier this time since I was not downing Diet Cokes all day.

4~ Know your geography. Don't even embarrass him by suddenly clapping for joy and exclaiming "I think I finally get it! The Atlantic Ocean is on the EAST and they are both the closest to A in the alphabet!" Even if you have no idea what state (or country, for that matter) you are in, just pretend like you do.

If you can get these few little helpful hints down he will take great care of you. This includes impromptu stops at the local bakery, free reign while shopping for new boots, and cute souvenirs that everyone will drool over later.

And on top of all that....he will show you the world. That's a deal I'm taking.


Kristina P. said...

Ramona, I was literally just thinking about you, and when you were going to be back to blogging.

You both look darling in that picture. Man, I need to get some sort of plastic surgery quick, for Saturday.

Boob job or face lift?

*MARY* said...

I can't wait to see what you got me!

Kristen said...

Can't wait to hear all the travel details, especially the musuem! Love the travel tips. Purely for the sake of enjoyment. I don't plan on traveling with Mike anytime soon. Hope you had a blast.

Jillene said...

Can't wait to here all the details and see all of the pictures!

I am with Kristina--plastic surgery is needed FOR SURE for Saturday--I don't need a boob job but I need a face lift, a tummy tuck and liposuction--asap!!

Unknown said...

Oh- another tip-

wear lots of makeup, cover your frizzy hair with a hat, and then difuse your photo in photo shop. Voila'
suddenly you are looking okay.

Brittany Marie said...

Great picture! Que has a similar "pretend you don't have a bladder" policy. Driving to and from Nauvoo was difficult. If only I had Mary's Nightmare Chinese Toilet Photos to imagine so that I would NOT want to go.

Anonymous said...

I want to see some of those cute souvenirs.....and new boots? Gotta see those too.

Victoria Elder said...

Now where did you go? NY? me too next month! These are great survival tips, I will print these out & put them in my glove box, cause it sounds like our husbands are two peas in a pod for traveling musts

Shannon said...

welcome home! :)
you 2 look freakin' adorable!

Whitney R said...

Love the picture! You are very pretty :)

I want to travel! Jaren and I really want to but everytime he's off for 5 months (Nov-April) I'm in school. And I graduate in April and I should (hopefully) have a newborn by November so..... bummer. But maybe we will still go with a baby that is 4 months old?

Wendy said...

yeah, yeah, you are so pretty, whatever! love the travel tips!! too funny........

Anonymous said...

Adorable. I am re-thinking the Amazing Race though. Tell Mike I still love him.

Cathy said...

HAHAHAHA! Ah yes, well Mike IS the professional traveler :) Hahaha. What a fun life. I love your blog. You're so fun. I miss you - especially when I get a massage and it's not HALF as good as yours. But mostly I miss our good girl talks. You're the best.

Wendyburd1 said...

Ramona!Thus the ram...wassup with the sam? Last name perhaps?? Anyway you look gorgeous in the pic, puh-lease!! I'm so glad to see a new post, and I can't hold my bladder AT all. I will use the diabetes as an excuse for having to pee like every 30 minutes...I'm like an old lady bladder!!

Ashley Bogard said...

You are so funny! I love it. That is how my husband would like to travel, but with me not happening. I have to stop all the time! Post more pics, it looks beautiful.

Goob said...

your husband must be related to my father. Did you also have the "who cares if you're having fun, we have time to drive 800 more miles today if we get going now" rule?

Unknown said...


Ram Sam (samuels- is that a great last name of what?)

Yes. my husband is probably related in spirit to all the quick moving travelers out there. Now that I understand the system, it works out well.

Pics coming, of course!

Miss Tiff said...

Mona, that is awesome. Mikey needs to take me traveling. I'm afraid I would drive him nuts with my unknowledgable geography.

You guys should come up again, this time I will be better prepared for guests. Or you can come up in a year or two when we either A: Have a new, bigger house. or B: expanded our attic for more stretch out room.

windsor said...

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, testing.

windsor said...

I never remember my stupid password and thus the above post.

Yes, that is how it works. We (maybe just I) made of what we were going to do and yeah, it made for some long days but we hit everything on the list and no regrets. It was an awesome trip. the worse part was the drive from Boston to Palmyra and Niagra Falls but the trip would not have been the same with out those.

Anonymous said...

you are a dead ringer to my friend Brooke. its not even funny. you guys could be twins.


Anonymous said...

you are a dead ringer to my friend Brooke. its not even funny. you guys could be twins.
