Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not My Morning

I slept so GREAT last night, I swear I did not even move the entire night. (that Tylenol PM really worked!). Then I rolled over and stretched, yes, all cute like the girls on the movie, and looked at the clock.

7:37 am

What the......

My oldest son leaves at 7:35. He was already showered and gone.

Do I suck as a mom or what? In my own defense I will say that I made pancakes for my kids in elementary school. Yay! But my oldest didn't get his kiss goodbye. I think he made a breakfast drink (Carnation deserves an award for that product) and left.

When is Daylight Savings? I need some help here!


  1. You consider waking up at 7:37 a great night of sleep? Man, I don't want to become an adult....

  2. Tylenon PM can be a very necessary Evil from time to time, but man do they mean it when they say "Be sure you have a full 8 hours to sleep before taking this product."
    I'm like you, it knocks me out and takes me down for the count. The next morning there will be no mother-prepared breakfast and chances are quite good the kids will go to school wrinkled and missing assignments.

  3. I took it at 10:00 pm, so that means I got 9 1/2 hours of sleep. Plus I only take one if I do take it, so I am okay the next day.

    I just really want to turn my clock back and stay in bed!

  4. I guess you need to give my your phone number so that I can give you an early morning call! (0;
    My kids have to be at school by 8:10 a.m. so we are all up at 7:00 a.m.--good times. I am pretty sure that daylight savings time is the frist weekend in Novemner but don't quote me on that!!

  5. I definatly think you should rush down to the school and kiss him good bye for the day in front of his friends.

  6. I hate that frenzied feeling you get when you wake up and figure out you have overslept. Especially went it ruins the fact that you slept well and felt rested.

  7. Consider yourself a GREAT Mom..you have raised a son that can get up, feed HIMSELF and get out the door ON TIME!!! YEA, throw yourself a "mommy-of-the-year-party" and have a donut!
    L, Marie

  8. Tylenol PM is a lifesaver for me!

    My 8th grader leaves at 6:45am. I tend to be a night person so when morning rolls around I totally dread it. I do enjoy having some one on one time with my oldest (the others don't get up till 7:20am after a short blogging session).

  9. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my super early morning because I have a 7:45 7:10 so I usually wake up at 6. Because of this we go to bed around 9 - 9:30 Monday and Wednesday nights because I don't do the best without a lot of sleep (while I'm going to school). But, last night we didn't get to bed until after 10:30 and I kept pressing snooze until 6:30 and then I just decided I didn't want to go. So... I'm here... bloggin :)

    I really like getting to sit on the couch in the morning! But I have to leave in 40 minutes for my other class.

    You've raised a good boy, though! He got all ready and left by himself :) Just give him a WELCOME HOME! Kiss. :)

  10. Nov 2 this year.
    Good for you, I am firm believer in helping children gain independence by being neglected in the mornings.

  11. I'm supposed to get up around 7 but I stay in bed until 7:30. No wonder I'm late to work almost every day.

  12. I worked for a coworker on Friday and Monday, and had to be to work at 8. Getting up at 6:45 killed me! I normally get up at 9. LIke this morning. I'm so happy I'm baack to my regular schedule.

    And of course you aren't a bad mom! Why do moms always beat themselves up? You stop it.

  13. I usually get up early and cook eggs and bacon and french toast for my boys before they leave for school.

    I wonder what they would do if I slept in.

  14. All my years of middle school I would get up, get ready, get myself breakfast, and walk to the bus stop, all while the seven other people in the house (including my parents) were sleeping. It was really sad, especially in the winter when it was still dark outside. This happened to me EVERY DAY! And I turned out.... well... I'm not a complete psychopath, I think.

  15. Ummm I was up til 7:30 this morning...yeah the night owl thing PLUS being so depressed lately...I just crave "me time"...hopefully when I am feeling a bit happier, I will at least be asleep on the couch by that time...yeah NIGHT OWL, LOL


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?