Monday, October 13, 2008

Ode to Bloggers

Now I just couldn't stand the thought of slapping any old photo from the Meet and Greet up, especially since I almost wet my pants in fear the whole drive up. So after having such a lovely time putting actual human faces to the profile pics I see every day, I fancied us up a bit for your viewing pleasures.

First on left is ME- I added wings because I have a thing for angels. Not Precious Moment types, but gothicy, crafty, whimsical and classical angels. I want to be one!

Next is Kristina P- one blogger described her as the Prom Queen of Blogging, thus the crown. She is like TAMN, but without the invisibility cloak of a fake-o name. Which I think is pretty cool. She can talk celebrity trash with the best of them. My hero.

Brittany is next, with her halo and all. For those of you who don't know; she wrote a book for women preparing to go to the temple. I was raised not knowing what to expect (sssh! don't talk about that!) and wished to the high heavens I could have had something like this for me back then. Perhaps you have a daughter or friend on niece who could benefit from her wisdom, if so- go to her blog (in my links) and click away. The best part is she is REAL! Don't let the halo fool you- she is snarky and funny, and I love that mixed with righteous!

On the left is Mary- who gets the party hat because of the party that is; her blog. From boogers and snails, to dead flower give aways, this girl knows how to shock and awe on the web. And she is cute as can be in real life. And she has really cute kids too. It may make you a little sick.

So there you have it- my official first bloggin buddies met in real life. I met quite a few girls, actually, at the luncheon, but because I hadn't stalked them quite sincerely enough in the past few months didn't dare get photos with them all.
Next time.
(if the radioactive waves from the Chinese government's mind sucking technology doesn't get us all first).


  1. Love the crown. Love the whole thing, actually!

  2. Hey, I'm not on your love to stalk list! That's alright. I'll get over it. Eventually.

  3. Kristina- I already had you in my blog reader list, and then I tried to re-add you and so it wouldn't take it. I am not sure what is up with that, but I hate not knowing when your latest and greatest stuff is up!
    If anyone has ideas, let me know... I am trying to re- add right now!

  4. Wait-
    I think it worked this time!
    there you are at the top

  5. I'm so glad you had fun...let's photoshop me in there with a tattoo or something, because I was there in spirit!

  6. Really creative! Sound like all of you had a really great time.... I sure need to plan a trip up to meet all of you neat ladies!

  7. Thank you for putting me in the hat, is it made of tin foil, I think I'm more prone to the Chinese mind sucking lasers than anybody else.
    Sorry you had to sit at the nerdy on time table, didn't you know being late is so in right now? You are coming this Friday right? RIGHT? You better!

  8. I think that mind sapping technology might be

  9. So... will you do another post after this weekend? With something cute on me? Like.. a tube around my waist?

  10. Thanks for coming over to my blog! I'm glad you said hello keep your fingers crossed!

    Good luck w/that primary program. I was the Pri. Pres. in my ward for 2 1/2 years. What an adventure!

    Sad I missed the meet & greet. Hope you don't care I am now a follower :)

  11. Aaaawwww....just makes me mad all over again!! You better be thinking of something creative to put on a pic of me--like a pig nose or a cow bell!!

  12. I love what you did to the picture! Too cute!

  13. You are so clever! And creative! And talented!

  14. I would have never thought of that! Very creative.

    I love how you refer blogging to journaling and scrapbooking at the same time. I totally agree with that! No wonder I haven't scrapbooked for over a year nor wrote in my journal. I am too addicted to blogging that it takes up all my free time!

  15. Awww jealousy sucks!! Photoshop me in...seriously...I'll give you a pic perfect for whatever occasion!!LOL!

  16. I had something clever to type, but I can't remember, I think the Chinese got to me


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?