Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Palmyra New York

IN honor of our Conference weekend...... a few religious photos from vacation.

The first is taken in the Sacred Grove. I will be in big trouble if I don't inform you MIKE took this picture. I loved walking through the grove.... I learned some amazing things while pondering there. Maybe someday I will be inspired to share them here, but for now let it be said... I am so happy to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Second photo was taken of a display in the HIll Cumorah Visitors center. The Hill Cumorah was beautiful, too. I would love to go back to see the pageant someday.

We went to the temple in Palmyra that night (after the Mona Lisa chocolate cake). It was so small and intimate- with gorgeous stained glass sparkling windows of the grove in every window. Mike and I were called as the witness couple- which is always fun on a trip (except for the time I passed out in St.George during the session while kneeling. That wasn't cool.But I did get free crackers.)

I was so glad that we added this to our trip- we did not include it in our original plan, but my traveling man was sure he could get me there. I am so grateful that he did.
The whole feeling at the Smith family farm, the grove, and the hill is so serene and solid. In today's times, I found that extremely invigorating.


  1. I've never been to Palmyra, but the post convinced me I need to go.

  2. That is so awesome-I'm glad you went too! Great pictures!!

  3. Ramona,
    BEAUTIFUL pics!! I just love that you get to "vay-cay" with your hubby alone, (NO kids??!!) That is Awesome.. I hope that is in my future !
    L, Marie

  4. AWESOME pics!! I would LOVE to go there someday--when the kids are older of course!!

  5. Beautiful pictures! I would love to go there someday. I've been to Nauvoo and I just loved it. I love church history.

  6. Solid is such an interesting way to describe it. Solid is hard to find these days. Thanks for using that word, it meant so much more than "amazing" or "awesome" or any other adjectives the rest of us might have come up with.

  7. Beautiful pictures. I've been to those places. I loved them. It was such an amazing experience and I can't wait to go again and share it with my husband who has never been before. I hope we can do a session at the Palmyra temple!

  8. Hey, tell Mike he took a great photo. Looks like your trip was enjoyable.

  9. the Grove is my favorite place to be. I am so glad you got to go and feel that wonderful place. We are going to go in a couple of years when they open the Philadelphia temple. I can't wait. the pagent is amazing I have now seen it about seven times, and it always inspires me.

  10. Lisa-

    I love that you love that I said SOLID.

    I just got tears in my eyes all over again.

  11. never been...great photo...nice post

    (I'm practicing my short answers)

  12. Temple crackers? I bet they were good.

  13. I have never been, they took my older brother to Palmyra AND the Cumorah pageant when it was just him and them, but not me. It looks serene...

  14. Great stories and pics!!!


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