Sunday, October 26, 2008

Photo Tag- I'm It!

I have seen several versions of the photo tag, with photo subjects ranging from one thing to the next- and it is my turn now! I am taking inspiration from Mary and Teresa. Enjoy!

Take a picture of your BATHROOM. NO Cheating- take the photo as is, don't clean! (this goes for all photos). I got lucky on this, because I do wipe down my bathroom every morning, so it usually looks pretty clean. What you can't see is ME standing on the edge of my tub to get this shot. My bathroom is tiny!

The Kitchen Sink. Again, I am surprised by this picture because my kitchen is kind of gross. I blame it on living in an old house. You can't see the brownie pan that is 'soaking', and I really have no explanation for the fact that there are 2 hand towels and 2 wash cloths stacked up. Isn't one of each enough?

Your Fridge. (Again, as is- but if you get down a little while shooting you can't see the shelves and any drippings that may be lingering there- not that I have any!). Yes, you can see TWO fridge packs of Diet Coke. I just gave in yesterday and bought them. It is a great thing, and I strongly suggest everyone go OFF Diet Coke just so you can happily go back ON. One of life's few pleasures..... As you can see I am also stocked well on Sour Cream and Eggs. Just in case......

Now a close up of my magnets......
First my Anne Taintor Favorites..."Stop Me Before I Volunteer Again" (this is for real, people) and "The Secret Ingredient is Resentment" (my friends think this is funny, my mother and husband don't quite get it...) and of course, "I finished your laundry....the ashes are in the fireplace". Also seen is my magnet from Kristina P "I'm kind of a big deal on my blog".
I can not explain how much happier my life is with these magnets greeting me everyday.

What are your kids doing right now? Don't be impressed by the productive nature of this photo. They would usually be sitting at the TV while playing their Nintendo DS. The reason they are raking is to earn NEW games from dad, who bought them off for a steal. Our tree drops hundreds of horrible chestnuts that become the punishment and reward opportunity every fall. One child (who is not raking) is the neighbor. The other is in the next picture.

The Laundry room. More of a closet, in my case. I really hope these piles of laundry baskets ( there is another one waiting to be folded by my dinner table) spilling over make someone out there feel better about themselves, because it killed me not to move these before I took this picture. Laundry is not my strong suit, but I try most days. Also pictured is my youngest child, who is crying because of the above task (raking and picking up the yard). He is pretty sure he should not have to help. He loves to cry, so I am always willing to give him a reason.

The Self Portrait. I took this in my PJ's but look kind of okay because I haven't washed my face yet. I am clutching my bedside reading, Allure, In Style, and Redbook. My Ensign is there on the floor, but I hate to say I reach for these first. (Don't judge me, Earl!) I am super happy because I just got home from a date night with the man.

What you can not see is the pile of garbage on my vanity, including dried up face wipes with mascara on them, and the laundry piles that magically grow all week until I force myself to hang up/sort/wash/put away. What you can see is my new dark panels from IKEA (love them! I can nap anytime of day now) and the cool Moulin Rouge piece my hubby bought from a restaurant owner in Japan on a business trip. He literally took it off the wall and walked out with it, all for me. Yay Hubby!

Okay- I tag anyone who has the patience to follow through with this tag. I would love to see every body's day to day life. Mine is now a moment in history.

What do you think? Do you still love me in spite of my laundry?


  1. If I did that tag, I would totally have to cheat and clean first!!
    cute house and cute you!! good kids too, mine are watching TV

  2. Your house is so "Ramsam," I love it.

  3. Mary- is it ramsam because I am in it?

    Also, Kristina... what you can't see from the picture is that the bead board is not painted white and the trim is not up yet on the opposite wall. Same goes for the bathroom vent- the cover is off. Just the joys of constantly having little projects around the house! But um, thanks!!!! I like what there is of it to like...

  4. Wow... I am impressed that your house is so clean! I just have a husband... and my house doesn't look like that! Maybe I need to have children that can be my little slaves... (kidding!)

  5. Ummm....

    guys, my house isn't very clean. I like to call it 'strategic camera placement'

  6. I have taken pictures. But ones I plan on using as, "before" pictures and I'm going to clean the rest of the house and then use those pictures as "after". Because I have to cheat, but I also hate to show everyone how truly dirty my house is. And the worst most dirty picture is my laundry room :)

    I love the beadboard in your bathroom and the picture of your crying child. I hope someday in a few years he is looking back on the archives and sees this :)

  7. Well I like the strategic camera placement, everything LOOKS good, even all that laundry...neatly in baskets! Are you SURE you didn't clean?!

    You guys really LIKE eggs!! LOL! I approve all the milk!

  8. I thought I posted a comment yesterday, I guess not. Well I'm trying to do this tag, just checking back to see what pictures I needed. My house IS pretty scary I should probably put it off till tomorrow.

    BTW, love the bathroom! You've got some great helpers.

  9. LOVE the bathroom!! Maybe I need you to come and decorate my house--I'm not very good that way!!

    I also LOVE your self portrait!! You are just so ADORABLE--do I sound like I am talking to my 3 year old? Sorry!!

  10. I. Love. Your. Bathroom. Holy crap, it's beautiful!

  11. I've never read Allure. Is it good? Do I need to subscribe?

    Cute house. I've got this same tag ready to auto-post some day this week (I can't remember which). Thanks for sharing your fun house with us!

  12. Ramona, I haven't seen your new bathroom. It looks really great, in fact your whole house looks great. And I love the picture of Parker crying by the laundry. I know how he feels.

  13. Actually Tiff, that laundry room has made me cry on more than one occasion

  14. I love your bathroom too. and your cute dark hair. makes me want to go dye mine. but I just spent a butt load on it getting it done by someone and my hubby would kill me if I just covered it up with some dye.

    anyway... sorry about going off like that ;)

    I took some pictures yesterday and was going to do this tag too :)

  15. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with laundry taking over my life...

    And I agree with previous posts - the bathroom is really cute!

  16. I don't know if I can continue to like you since your house looks so clean. But you are funny so, maybe that will save our friendship.

  17. Love the diet coke comment. Made me laugh. Your house looks cute! I did this last week, and it was fun!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?