Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Reasons to Feel Sorry for Me

I know that it seems like I am crazy traveling woman, but the truth is, most of my family in on a CRUISE this week. I have never been on a cruise. Ever. (did you get that? NEVER)

After we budgeted our vacations for the year, and swore we would stick to it, my sister announced they were going on a cruise and all are invited. Much of my large family (12 siblings total) and my parents signed up. I did not.

Mike consoled me, and I got over it. We have traveled and it has been wonderful, but THIS IS THE WEEK, and THEY are all gone, and I am kind of bummed about it. Now for fall break we have decided to stay home and CLEAN our house (closets and stuff I usually pretend don't matter) and use our cash to buy the boys new beds. YAY. Doesn't that sound fun?

I mean who wants to be on a stupid boat and lay out all day and let the kids play with their cousins in the kid's clubs , and eat endless chocolate and food, and see shows, and swim on the beach, and see cool cities in Mexico and hang with the fam? WHO in their RIGHT mind thinks THAT sounds FUN?
If you'll excuse me, I am also catching up on laundry this week. (Huzzah!)


Erin said...

Yeah, you'd probably be sea sick the whole time anyway. Plus, they're going to gain like 25 pounds eating all of the food. So you can stay skinny and healthy/not sea sick at home!

Just SO said...

You're so right! Who would take a boat cruising along the sunny coast of Mehiko over closet cleaning?

No one in their right minds. Oh and add laundry to that? I'm sure the rest of your family is miserable because you get to have all the fun.

(sorry you missed out. that would totally rot)

windsor said...

Sorry Babe, I don't feel sorry for you. Remember, 'Life is Good'. I know it sounds fun to you and I know you really want to do a cruise, and someday, we will. But if I have any say in it, it won't be to Mexico. I'd rather save a little more and do a Mediteranean cruise. Maybe on our 20 yr anniversary.

XO Marie said...

I SO would go get chocolate with you and we could turn the heat up really hot in my car and turn on the butt-warmers, You could totally wear your swim-suit(as long as you had a modest cover-up on..duh?!) and we could put on a ocean sounds CD..
Would that help ??
Remember, I'm here for ya ..
Marie :)

Goob said...

I dunno, that cruise doesn't sound like THAT much fun. At least Laundry smells good? ( unlike Mexico)

Kristina P. said...

I've never been on a cruise either.

And I totally feel bad and sorry for you. And then I look over and see your amazing pictures of Portland and Niagra Falls, and that all goes away.

Jillene said...

I have been on a cruise--before I was married. I won't say anything that will make you feel worse so nuff said.

Just think--you won't have to witness drunk Mexican men urinating where ever they please (is that just in Tiajuana). And you won't gain 20 lbs.--seriously you would.

Brittany Marie said...

I'd rather go to Palmyra and Niagra Falls than to Mexico. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

I've gone to three cruise and I've gotten sick every time. Uugh! Sure they got the all night desert buffet. But is it really worth it??!!!

Me (aka Danielle) said...

I'm torn..Half of me wants to feel bad for you, but the other half screams..look at those cool vacay pictures on the side bar. I think I will go with feeling bad...

Sorry you are so bummed!

Victoria Elder said...

Hmm I am sad for you, cause A i have been on 3 cruises, & B. if you lived at home with my inlaws & you were 13 they would promise to take you on a cruise & follow thru, & just buy a cruise for you 3. Yes my inlaws promised their 12 yr old they would take him on a cruise since they went without him, & so this april they bought him a cruise, spoiled. Anywho I am in Albuquerque, Not NY yet not till Nov 13!

*MARY* said...

I've never been on a cruise either, and probably never will. I've been scared of boats ever since I saw that movie Titanic, I'm afraid I'll be surrounded by bad acting and want to jump overboard.

Jessica G. said...

I feel your pain! My hubby's family still talk about their big happy cruise from before I came along. And we're planning to take a cruise for our 10th wedding anniversary next year. I'm trying to convince him we need to go on an Alaskan cruise because of the gorgeous scenery, whales, and the fact that I look way better in a parka than in a swimming suit.

Jo said...

It isn't any fun to be left behind. I haven't been on a cruise either, but I don't want to go. I am incredibly prone to motion sickness and there isn't anyway I want to PAY to be sick. I get sick on airplanes too, but that is okay, I am not really paying to have fun on a plane, just get somewhere fast. Boats are slow. Just think, I get a very long four day weekend with my little man. UGH!

Shannon said...

I FEEL your tremondous pain!!!!!! A couple days before they left Cami told me Kris texted her to bring her running shoes. I was like - she didn't text me that! And then I started to cry.

Unknown said...

I think the worst part will be hearing the family gush about it for ages to come every time we get together.

Does this mean I should boycott family parties for a while>
Gosh- I am so immature.

Calvin said...

I've been on one cruise, it was partially gifted. Uhm, how should I put this... pure heaven. I know I'm supposed to be supportive and all.... but nope, you totally missed out. Yep, I'm a meany. It was like your hotel floated to the next thing to see. Just hanging out was great on the ship. But, a bigger better cruise in the future... totally worth missing the piddly Mexico cruise for.

We missed the Alaska cruise this year to have a kid... also TOTALLY WORTH it.

Cleaning closets?, hmmm

But, buy cool beds that make you feel all designery and that'll help. Buy something practical and boring and you'll want to bang your head on the floor in between yawns.

Kristen said...

Yeah, worth it for the kid, but a cruise is better than an emergency c-section. Actually, the drugs were good, so the worst part was the catheter. YUCK! Cleaning closets is better than that!

Anonymous said...

The $100 jeans are better than a cruise!

First-you can keep them forever or at least until they go out of style and I promise to make you throw them out when they ARE out of style.

Second-you will still fit into those $100 jeans because you are NOT on a cruise eating endless amounts of food.

Third-your sistas are going to be very jealous of how cute you look in your $100 jeans.

Fourth-the $100 jeans are so much cheaper than a cruise...I think you should go buy another pair to make you feel better!!!!

Wendy said...

and to rub it in your face even more! I am going on a mexican cruise in 25 days and counting!
my 2nd this year!!!! but you are not missing out on anything :) just a great time!! I am cleaning out my closet in the morning.....

Lisa said...

Maybe... It will rain the whole time, everyone will get motion sick, and someone will be left at a port and have to pay an expensive ticket to fly home without their luggage. Then it will be memorable for a different reason!

I have been on one cruise and it is my favorite vacation. So I would definitely recommend it for the future!

Wendyburd1 said...

Awww Ramona...I have never been on a cruise either if it makes you happy...and I hear it'd way too much food, who needs THAT temptation!! And maybe you'd be sea sick the entire time, laying in a bunk and feeling every wave...and turning green and running for the porthole...and missing out on any cool stuff and cities.You'd be incapacitated the entire trip..staring at four very close walls... Did that HELP? I am really good at worst case scenarios!:D

The Mecham Family said...

Cruises are so not what they seem to be!! On our honeymoon we went to the Bahamas, and we got totally sunburned, and it was all because it was a stupid cruise! ;)

Miss Tiff said...

Ramona, I was able to completely forget about the family cruise being hundreds of miles away from the rest of the family. But now, after reading this post I am so sad. I don't care about the cruise, but I'm imagining how much fun it would have been to be with all the family, together, doing something so cool like that, which we have never done before. Now I am so sad and missing my brothers and sisters and mom and dad. How sad, I bet their all going to joke about "remember on the cruise when..." oh how sad.

peewee said...

Cruises are lame. Remember the Titanic? and how un-well THAT went? I mean. not the sex and romance part. but the sinking part? Just get your boys the cheap beds. on double discount. and go buy yourself some super expensive shoes but tell your husband they're from payless! wooo hoooo...not THAT's a vacation!"

peewee said...

i meant to write ...NOW that's a vacation!"

Anonymous said...

Ramona I love you my also non cruising Sis. I have shopped every day this week. It may end up costing us More than the cruise would have.
Here is my recipe for occupying the mind. Go to Anthroplogie. See awesome vintage look aprons. OOoooh! But they are $28. Boo. Then I saw vintage appliqued tea towels that will become the base and inspiration for my own aprons, then I go to...dun dun DUN..Jo Ann's, where I buy fabric to use on my aprons, and trim, and end up spending way more than if I had just bought the aprons. Yeah.