Friday, October 17, 2008

Tween Torture

If you do not have children that are in the 'tween' age and obsessed with all things tweeny-Disney, then lucky you. But for everyone else, please hear my cry. Someone has got to stop this woman.

I have tried for years to ignore her as the worst actress ever to grace the Disney channel as Zach and Cody's suite life mom, but last night when I laid down by boys and they insisted on the latest Disney Halloween movie I was horrified myself- once again, here is Kim Rhodes as the mom. Complete with her nasaly voice (she sings in the Suite Life! Sucky!) and obnoxious smirk.

No longer could I blame her annoying presence on the role- she was the same over acting, too tanned, and over styled woman on this movie as well. I just want to make it official. I am not a fan.

When I see people like her on the screen I seriously wonder why I didn't go for it and try to break into acting. Am I the only one annoyed by this woman?


  1. I've never seen the show or heard of her.

    Can we discussing annoying Miley Cyrus?

  2. Oh yeah, feel free to comment on Miley (but I have boys, so we don't watch her as much) or all things Disney. Yet Miley can out act this woman- guarenteed.

    Consider yourself lucky. For real.

  3. I can't stand her either, and what's worse is my hub said I remind him of her.
    Nope he didn't "get any" that night.

  4. AMen to that! I can't stand her. She must be related to a Disney Exec, thats how she got the job!

  5. Ramona,
    TO-TA-LEE with-ya..But the most annoying thing is her HAIR..I can put up with alot ,but not UGG-SPIKE-HAIR!!

  6. I have something against all things Disney so I'll gladly join you in throwing things at Ms. Rhodes and hoping they stick in her hair.

    And before I bag on Miley can I just say that I recently saw her in person? I can't decide if that's something I should brag about...

  7. my kids watch that show, but I haven't really thought about her!! I haven't ever heard her sing, I'll have to pay more attention next time!

  8. I don't know who that is. I have never even seen an episode of Hannah Montana. (Is she supposed to be one girl who is really twins- like the Parent Trap?)

    All things Disney are Dead to Me.

  9. Sorry, I can't feel your pain, I've never heard of her.

    Don't you just love how addicted to blogging I am. I just got back from our blogging meet and greet and the first thing I do when I get home is blog of course.
    Tonight was fun,definitely better than bunco right?

  10. Kim Rhodes was actually not always a too-tanned spikey hair woman. She rocked Another World as insane Cindy!! INSANE! But I can't really stand the twins on that show anymore...they IRK me. What Halloween movie was it...sadly I think I might have seen it or rented it.

  11. Uuuummmm....yeah!! I agree 100%. She is SOOOO annoying!!

    I really enjoyed meeting you last night!! You are as great in person as you are on your blog!!

  12. all things tween escape reason.

  13. I prettu sure that is not just a tween thing. Peyton loves that show. He can even sing the theme song. I have to admit, whenever it is on, I am not in the room (on purpose). So I havn't really notice the mom. That is nice of you to sit at watch it with your boys though.

  14. I couldn't agree more. There are times I watch the show that I almost can't believe that Disney cast her in that role. And her stylist should be shot (bad clothes, bad hair). Plus, she is a terrible actress. My favorite was the season she was pregnant and they were trying to hide her belly - it was so obvious and obnoxious. Have you noticed that on the new "Suite Life on Deck" she is noticeably absent as is Ashley Tisdale. I wish they would fire them all and just do a show with London Tipton as the star. Yay Me!

  15. I haven't seen this! But you've totally made up my decision to never watch it. :)

    I LOVED meeting you Friday! And I am glad I was able to sit across from you. You and Teresa and Jo were so funny. I really do hope you guys were being serious about coming here! Because that would be AWESOME!

  16. You are all crazy, she is not a bad actress, she is perfectly even with everything else on that horrid show. I have no idea how I've seen enough of this show to have an opinion. It is shameful that we let our kids think this is art, or something worth creating. More than the mom who can't act (I saw her fake pass out on an episode, come on, how can you screw up falling over?) is the girl who is supposed to be really rich, I luckily, to retain some testosterone, do not know her or the character's name, but dang, who did she please to get a role. I think she is in a bunch of Disney crap.

    Seriously, can we teach our kids to create instead of pander please.

    And Ramona, if I ever hear you say "Why didn't I" again like it is too late I will come over....and park under your tree... and break another window....and then blame it on the kids....

    Get a casting call and get out there.... By next week I want to hear an action plan. And no! community theater doesn't count.

  17. no, you are not alone. i hate ,loathe and abominate that show with a passion. worst writing, worst acting. okay the asian girl and ashley tisdale (sp?) are 1/2 way decent. i actually sat through the asian girl's homecoming warrior movie. see that one? but the suite life mom stinks on ice. i haven't heard her sing but i'm sure it's enough to make paint peel.

  18. You know I see it all the time. She stinks. But I think she actually epitomizes all things Disney Channel. Disney used to stand for something. It may have been making money, but it was making money by making good family entertainment. Now it's suitable for kids only because you know theres not going to be sex or profanity so you aren't afraid to leave the room. Is that the highest we can reach for our kids?

  19. That show is not allowed on my television when I am in the room. If the kids want to watch it and I am elsewhere in the house that's fine. It's insipid and annoying and not only can the mom not act but the boys on the show? *shudder*

  20. My kids love that show. I can't stand it. Everything about it annoys me. It's a good thing we don't have the disney channel anymore!

  21. Did you notice that the suite life has a token asian friend. She's a snot, too, which is pretty typical of asians.

    I like Miley.

    I don't like suite life in general. Full of bad acting, except for Sharpay. Nope, nevermind. Full of bad acting. Except for Dex. Nevermind again!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?