Thursday, November 13, 2008

Door Busters

As you know, I am a coupon clipper, and Sunday night is my night to gently browse the ads in search of the next great sale item. Ummmm, FOUND IT! K-Mart (don't dis, ya'll, once in a while you can find something there!) a super cool MP3 (on Hammy's little Christmas list) with TOUCH SCREEN- SLASHED from $99 to $49.

This was the exclusive Black Friday prices BEFORE Black Friday. Yippee! I got some cash burning a hole in my pocket for Christmas, but being the GOOD LITTLE ANGEL that I am I decide to go on Monday. (This is a 3 day sale starting Sunday).

Monday I RUSH down there...... I am so on top of this, you know...and NOTHING. The shelf is empty. I ask if they have brought them out yet..... a woman who looked like she was struggling, and also avoiding eye contact, makes a phone call or two and tells me there are no more. She sold the last ones a bit ago....and NO RAIN CHECKS on exclusive sales items.

"How many did you have? Didn't this sale start yesterday?" SHe answers....."Well, I think on this we got TWELVE" (This she says like 12 is the best number ever and I am crazy for not getting there fast enough.)

Wait a sec...... TWELVE for an entire 3 day sale that was listed in the paper, the SUNDAY paper sent to thousands of Utah homes, and this being the only K-Mart in some 40 mile radius? Really ?

That means I had as many kids in my family than you have of MP3 players. I get the same amount of donuts as you stock for a big sale..... I see the same amount of roses as you buy to sell hundreds of customers....that just kind of sucks.

SOOOO this is my official K-MART IS STUPID post. I know, I know, you guys already knew that, but I guess my faith in the humanity of the retail world is just a bit naive. NO MORE! I doubt every ad I see from now on.

(ps, it took me like 20 minutes to write this. I miss my computer. Wahhhhhhhhhh!)


  1. I only shop at KMart during Christmas for Martha Stewart stuff. It's slightly ghetto.

  2. How annoying. I am proud that you would brave the coupon section to actually look for things. I'm too lazy....

  3. I am so with you. I hate it when they advertise for something, and then it's not there when you get there. I think it's supposed to be a "leader" or something, leads you to the store in hopes that you buy more things while you are there. All it does is tick me off and make me leave and write hate posts like you just did!

  4. I HATE that!! Kmart is not the only place that does it either (Shopko). I think it is a ploy to get us all to come into their barren store!!

    Are you going to make it to dinner next Friday night? I hope so!!

  5. Oh mona, I'm so sorry.
    But I might have something to make it better....unless you already knew. But apparently is having a free book sale. You upload approx. 20 photos and you get them in a hardbound book. Something about it being on Oprah....
    It may be hard, as you're missing your comp n'all. But it might be worth just the 6.99 in s&h for a free 8 1/2 by 11 in hard bound book of photos! Here's my friend's website (she's another coupon nut who taught me how to get free toothpaste and Fantastic cleaner.)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. K mart is stupid. The only good thing about it is that you can always get a front parking space. Hee, hee.

  8. I am so sad about the Snapfish deal. No, I don't keep my photos stocked on my Hubbys computer. ;-(

  9. KMart isn't the only one that does this. There are other stores that do it as well. And they do it on Black Friday too. That's why being the first one in the door is so important.

    I'm sorry you didn't get the MP3 player that you wanted. That's what my kids are asking for this year as well.

  10. that bites. No rain checks either? Smells like scam to me. Good luck finding your good deal.

  11. Ramona,
    Wanna picket them? I'm thinking it could be fun..Diet cokes, magleby's choc. cake and a picket sign!!!

  12. Ramona,
    Wanna picket them? I'm thinking it could be fun..Diet cokes, magleby's choc. cake and a picket sign!!!

  13. There's a K Mart here. I'm rather surprised it's still up and running w/ Walmart 80 yards down the road.

    But Kristina's idea is good. Oh.. except I have my little sister for Christmas-like she would want martha stuart stuff.

  14. I know of this stinkin' KMart that you speak of. On Monday, my battery died, so we took it to Auto Zone to get charged. We had to hang around for an hour, so we went to KMart. While yes, I really hate going there, I thought I might as well get the in-laws some Christmas presents. (hi, very ghetto) I found some snow boots for my daughter, and even better, the big huge sign above it said that ALL shoes were buy one get one @ 50% off. Double score, my boy needs church shoes. So I get up to the register and they don't ring up right. "Oh sorry ma'am, you have to read this little tiny fine print. Those boots are excluded because they are on sale." I tell her to get the manager, but he doesn't take too kindly to my flirting and doesn't want to override it. Damn KMart. This is why i never come here. I feel your pain.

  15. You stick to the floors at the Kmart by our house.

  16. Well, I'm just impressed that you've started your shopping. I haven't even figured out my Christmas game plan yet. Time to start makin' that list ...

  17. Man I would HAVE gotten pissy and asked for the manager!! They can't advertise that 3 days sale and have none by day 2!! Did you ask them to find one at another Kmart in the area? I make them do that at Walmart all the time!

  18. I honestly cannot remember the last time I went into a K-Mart...and your post makes me all the more convinced to keep it that way. :)

  19. It's time to Christmas shop? I'm so screwed

  20. Hey I got my charm in the mail last night! Thanks, I love it!

  21. SF K-Mart is such a HOLE! I never go there smells funny, don't you think? Like the cheap fabric of Jacklyn Smith clothing.

    Lately every time I try to get a deal, the store is out. I drove over to Smith's tonight to get the $1.50 cereal deals and they were out of everything except KIX...go figure.

    Hey - I miss you. We need to get together soon! Do you want to go to Twighlight at Midnight on the 20th? I have three more tickets.

  22. That is down right dirty! It's all a hook to get you into their store.

  23. I have decided to finally say hello. I have read your blog several times and have you added on facebook, but I have never officially posted on your blog. I love your outlook on life and your sense of humor. I thought I would finally let you know :)

    P.S. I have always hated Kmart (mostly because that is where most of my clothes came from when I was a kid and I was made fun of a lot. Darn parents and Regan! ;) It does smell funny. They only thing they had going for them was the slurpees when I was a kid. At least I got a sugar high with my cheap-o clothes. Sorry about the MP3 player.

  24. UGH! I can't STAND KMart. How absolutely ridiculous. TWELVE? I could use bad words. lol But I won't. lol ... Hey, but KMart DOES have really great Christmas decorations. That's the ONLY time I'll step foot into a Kmart. lol


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