Friday, November 7, 2008

My Computer Hates me!

I went without a while computer sort of went into a coma, and now it has died again. It has out right died. It will not start up (same ting as last time) although the blue screen of death has not hit yet..... I believe it is time for a whole new hard drive and just see if I can get by for a bit longer....

I so don't want to spend my money on another stupid computer ! Aren't these things supposed to last more than a few years, or I am so naive ? Ugh Ugh Ugh. So easy, even a caveman could be frustrated....

ANYWHOOOOO I am posting from my hubby's laptop, so my fabulous drawing and all future post are completely relying on HIM. Wish me luck.

In the meantime, remember this little bit of advice. Diet Coke and chocolate make a great dinner, too. The chocolate cake is bye bye now.

Soooooo Saaaaadd! booo hooo.


  1. Will you be holding a memorial service for your computer? Sorry to hear that, computer problems are frustrating. And I am really sad your chocolate cake is gone. Although now I don't have to worry about you taunting the rest of us with it.

  2. My hubby just spent hours with his dad on the phone trying to help him breathe life back into his computer. It worked, but only for 2 days. It's dead again.

    I wonder if all our old, beloved electronics are waiting for us in our heavenly mansions...

  3. Sorry to hear about your computer.

    And you have it all wrong. It's mountain dew and rocky road ice cream.

  4. Welcome to my world!! The only problem here is we don't have a laptop. I have to rely on old Bessy and she only works when she wants too. BOO!!

    Good luck with practice tomorrow and the program on Sunday. I am sure it will be beautiful!!

  5. Sometimes the technology we are addicted to can be so frustrating. Sorry to hear about your computer!

  6. Awww poor hard drive worked so hard it killed itself!!! Hope hubby lets you use his laptop ALOT!! :(

    Cake ALL looked SOOO I need some chocolate again!! Dang it! Be back in 5!!

  7. If you want my advice, and I'm not saying you do...but if it comes down to spending money, don't invest anymore on a budget blackhole, like an old computer. Go get a nicer computer from a legit place with a warranty. That way if it goes nutzo on you, you have something to fall back on. And you know if you shell out the bucks for a new hard drive on an old system in 6 months you'll be regretting it!

  8. Atleast Mike has a laptop.I woud have to go down to the library.... of course I would call you and we could stop by maglebys and get cake and eat it at the library..bahahahaha

  9. Our PC is so slow right now, and Adam takes the laptop to work, so it takes me forever to get through blogs in the morning. I haven't been on top of my game! I understand your pain!

  10. PS I loved your post yesterday.

  11. I am grateful that my hubby has a knowledge of computers. He's brought ours back from the brink of death a couple of times. Sorry to hear about yours.

  12. Oh man, I feel your pain. Mine crashed a couple of months ago... it's a tramatic thing for a blog junkie. At least you have a back up!

  13. So sorry to hear about your computer. I would be lost without mine. (however, I think I would probably get more things done)

    You should make more chocolate cake. Or better yet, go to Costco and buy one of those "All American chocolate cakes."
    I've never found anything better for breakfast.

    Halloween candy and Diet Dr. Pepper are good for dinner too.

  14. Computers suck - except for when we really really need and want them.

    I'm so sorry!

  15. where is Pie in all this meal planning? Isn't pie the essential go to for all otherwise skipped meals?

  16. I am sorry about your computer. I have found there is a certain element of voodoo, good and bad, in dealing with these things. If you can afford it, I would definitely put in a plug for getting your own lap top. I got one a little less than a year ago, after years of my husband trying to talk me into one, and it is the best.thing.ever.

    Good luck with all of that ...

  17. Bummer! I hope our comp lasts us years!!!

    I'm wishing you luck.

  18. Hate to tell you this, but I LOVE my MAC. You know I've been PC girl for many years, but now I've gone MAC, I'll never go back (hardy,har,har). However, Korry has a Del laptop and we love that too.

    Hey - how was your birthday? Did Mike spoil you?

  19. Can't imagine. I think i would pretty much go through withdrawals w/out my computer!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?