Monday, December 8, 2008

Ko nee chi wa

Little blog, and all big blog friends.... guess what. I am sitting in a hotel in Yokohama and it is 4:30 on the morning here (about 12:30 in afternoon at home)and it is so cool!

I am overlooking the bay out of the window (67 stories high) and this hotel is connected to a mall with an amusement park under it, and it is bustling and happening. I am snapping photos like mad , of course, but oopsy- forgot my bridge cables to connect to the huuby's lap top. I will tell you all about it when I get home. For now thanks to sis for holding down the fort and babysitting (we brought the youngest son with us....I think we are wearing him out, though!) and I really should try to sleep more....I can't believe the strange state of jet lag that is taking over with this time difference!

But I can say this....Japan is amazing, bustling, well lit and twinkling, and everyone's movements are small and voices are pleasantly soft. I feel large and loud! Even my son is matching the height of little old ladies and adults and children alike are staring at his bleached tips and following him around in stores. be a strange foreigner! What a great feeling!


  1. Jealousy does not cover the envy that I am feeling!

  2. I had no idea you were in Japan. I saw that someone came from your blog from Japan, and then you posted a comment, so I wondered if you were there.

    Have an amazing time!

  3. That is so cool! I hope you have a wonderful time there. And snap away with the camera. Can't wait to see pictures.

  4. It took a while to figure out how to comment.....the buttons were all in Kanji, but once I got signed it it was good old English again.

  5. Wow, how exciting! You get to go on some fun vacations. I am excited to see pictures!

  6. HOW EXCITING!! I am glad that you are having a good time!! I can't wait to see all of the pictures!!

  7. WOW!!! That is so super-cool. Blogging from Japan. You are my new hero! Have a great time. Can't wait to hear all about it when you are back!

  8. WOW!! Japan?? I'm just sitting here in SLC.... enjoying the freezing cold snow!! NOT!!

  9. I am soooo jealous! I have always wanted to go to Japan!

  10. I hope you are having a blast.

    I am dying to tell you that I got tickets to Wicked. I am giddy about it.

    Call me when you get home.

  11. HOW FUN!!! Haylie went to China a couple years ago with my parents and they all thought she was like-a-barbie ..she was almost mobbed at times because they wanted pics with be happy your little guy doesn't have TOO many blonde tips!!!
    Can't wait to see your pics of the adventure!

  12. So sosososososo jealous...
    Can't wait for the pictures so I can live vicariously.

  13. You are soo lucky. I want a japan stamp in my passport!!!

  14. YOU'RE in JAPAN?!! What have I missed somewhere? How? When? Why? Wow Japan!!

  15. Yeah, what are you doing in Japan?

  16. How cool are you? My father-in-law used to go there every year. Decided to stop going when I could finally go :( I hope you are having a blast!

  17. I wish I was in Japan... Lucky girl!

  18. Wow, that sounds like so much fun. Is Mikey still pretty fluent in his Japanese? (must be, I'm assuming that's why your there.) That will be such an awesome memory for Parks. I'm sure all the little japanese girls are just in love with him.

  19. LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see pictures!!

  20. Okay, how weird... sorry I kinda lost track of you, (WOW that really makes me sound stalkerish doesn't it?)

    Um, yeah, so now I that I KNOW the reason is because you're in Japan...

    Oh, that doesn't sound right either.

    Okay so how's Japan?

    I heard it's really busy but pretty :)

    (does that sound better?)

  21. How fun. I can't wait to hear more about it!

  22. Good Blog, I think I want to find me, I will tell my other friends, on all


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?