Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What Vacation?

SO don't go around thinking I am so lucky and spoiled.....real life awaits us all and is ready to greet you whether you are ready or not.


This is little Masty G on the table at the clinic waiting for stitches......if you look close enough, you will see a few pink-ish areas on the right side of the gash in the middle of the wound. That would be his SKULL with a bloody film over it.....Let's just say he took a snowboard to the head (fluke of a story, total accident, just a plastic cheap snowboard, so GO FIGURE!)and it gashed open his forehead. Hubby gets queasy over this stuff and had to wait in the waiting room...I was sick and shaky, but come on, can you really show how nervous you are when your child's skull is visible? I think not.

Here he is after the 3 layers of stitches. It is still weeping a bit of blood. Ouchy.

Man. I think I need another vacation!
Thank heavens for Insurance and Health Savings Accounts. This little boy is proof that plans like this can save a family's budget!


  1. Oh, good heavens. He will have a monster of a headache tomorrow. Such a bummer! I'm glad that he's okay.

  2. Oh my goodness! That looks horrible! Glad he's OK.

  3. I have a confession to make....when we went to the clinic I did NOT wash the blood off of his head and face...he looked HORRIBLE. I have never had such FAST Service in my life!

  4. OUCH! Guess it comes with having boys. He will have a scar, but that is a good thing for boys right?

    If he is going to snowboard, get him a helmet. I love having mine, and it has saved me a couple of times from a massive concussion. A couple of times I have caught my front edge and "scorpian'd" (when your fall forward and your board hits you in the back of the head). I am so grateful I had my helmet on!

  5. Yikes!!!!My goodness I would totally freak out!!! Three layers of stitches?!

  6. OUCH!!! I hope he heals well! I ams o jealous of your vacation to Japan! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  7. Yeowch! Hope he gets healed up quickly! (And thanks for warning about the trauma photos...made sure to look again when the kids were out of the room.)

  8. Ohhh poor kid! At first glance I thought he had dyed his hair! :(

  9. I hate stitches. They are the worst. On a side note, your son has some awesome hair. I wish I had curls like that on my head!

  10. OUCH!! I'm glad it wasn't worse and that he is okay!

  11. Poor kid! :( That is not the way to start off the Holidays! And insurance rocks.

  12. Ouch!

    Thank goodness for insurance. And I think maybe it was a good idea to not wash off the blood, so you didn't have to wait for an hour (or three) before being seen.

  13. I am so sorry! That does look nasty. Head wounds usually heal pretty quickly, though.

  14. WOW!!!! I guess that what I get to look forward to as my son gets older!

  15. that's going to be the coolest scar to show the ladies, and it happened "snowboarding" you can't beat that

  16. that's going to be the coolest scar to show the ladies, and it happened "snowboarding" you can't beat that

  17. Oh my heavens. owy owy owy!!!!

    I'm so impressed that you took pictures, though. I would have wanted to do the same thing.

  18. Good article, good things, good feelings, good BLOG!


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