Tuesday, January 20, 2009

History in the making....

and no, I am not talking about the new president putting in a fresh stick of gum as he rolls past in his limo.

I am talking about American Idol. Long before it was even a twinkle in Simon's eye families like mine gathred around their fuzzy picture, rabbit ear supported ( or metal hanger at times)television for Star Search.

So..... imagine my shock when a little fedora wearing, striped shirt tune toting dude walks in to sing his orginal version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".

Was I the only one at home having flashbacks of the top of the lung belting, jacket grabbing, mullet loving, Converse sporting, ladies swooning (which team does swing for) Sam Harris?

We had the cassette tape (yes, it was that long ago) and I think we literally wore it out.
If you have forgotten (or didn't know in the first place) then here you go.
If you are short on time, skip to the last 60 seconds.


What do you think?


  1. AI and I had a falling out some time ago.

  2. HAHAHAHA!! So true, so very true!! I used to be an avid Star search watcher and I DID remember him!!

  3. what ever happened to Sam Harris, anyway?

  4. I don't remember this Dude! Thank goodness! Yikes.....love the mullet!

  5. I don't watch AI, unfortunately. It is such a time suck, and I already have too many things that take my time away. But this guy sure is sexy...

  6. I am loving the hair! I just was to pet him...

  7. Ah yes, and the red high tops.... I heard that Doug Wilson from Trading Spaces was a friend an fan of Sam Harris. This new guy did not sing it as well as Sam Harris, mullet or no!

  8. Oh
    I did not connect the two. But now I will think of nothing else. Oh remember how Mom would get the shivers when SH sang?

  9. Oh NO, you watch American Idol? The only thing I have ever stopped at is the auditions because they are so sad and funny sometimes, but that is IT! Simon, blechhh!

  10. Oh I knew my sisters would love this post!

    We pretty much worshiped at the alter of Sam Harris, whose album was oh-so-cleverly named "Sam I Am". Oh yeah, instant fans.

  11. okay, seriously, am I the only one who actually LIKED that? Sam Harris is awesome!

    And, AI is awesome. It makes me think I should audition. lol it's good to know someone else is worse than me!

  12. Judy Garland would be overwheled by that performance.Where those red converse or the ruby red slippers he was wearing? Check this out http://sam-harris.com/photography.htm.

  13. I dunno, I missed the first 45 MINUTES last night. I'm bummed. GRRRR!!! Stupid DVR must have had a hernia. That's the ONLY excuse I'm accepting.

  14. Oh Star Search! How I do love yoU!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?