Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I have no reason to complain, but....

I am going to do it anyway.

I really should be dancing with twinkly flowers falling from my heels as I go, but instead I am sulking around the house. Why, may you ask? Why?

I am not excatly sure. Perhaps it is the NEWS and the same stupid politics as usual and realizing they really DON'T CARE about US as a people at all....
perhaps it is the dreary weather and my need for sunshine and warm air (no, the tanning bed isn't cutting it)
perhaps it is the Sundays and the tricky kids (that's one way to describe them) that I chase around for hours and come home and crawl into bed with exhaustion over
perhaps it is the son who is still missing assignments
or the son in new braces that have to be cranked and I can't crank the device
perhaps it is the bill that came with the braces....and the fact that Ihave been paying debt FOREVER and feel like I will be paying it FOREVER more...
perhaps it is the number on the scale
or the fact that everyone else in my running group is way way better than I am
perhaps it is the messy house I don't even care to clean

on days like this I often resort to the following measures;

(actual cake I drove to the store and bought just for myself on a similar bad day...I know, don't say anything about the scale bit)

see....it is like nothing REALLY is wrong, but I kind of wish I could disappear for a few weeks and come back happy and bubbly and funny again.
Allow me this misery for a few more days...then , please join me in praying it will GO AWAY!


Kristina P. said...

I think I need to buy giant cakes for such occasions.

Erin said...

We all have days (or weeks) like this, don't we? I hope you start feeling better soon!

Andrea said...

Chocolate cake definitely helps.

Anonymous said...

I'm with ya on that. I am blah. I need some sunshine and chocolate cake.

Me (aka Danielle) said...

I think we all hit a low every now and then. I hope you find your way out of this one soon!

Wendyburd1 said...

I totally get you Ramona, so you know if you need to talk I am always here. So if I ate a WHOLE cake, besides being in a diabetic coma, would I feel really happy?!! Cuz with that pic, I might be willing to try...though that cake pic from NY was so much more drool worthy, LOL.

Just SO said...

I so get this. Very much. Enjoy wallowing for the next few days and then be prepared to get feeling bettah.

Enjoy the cake.

annette said...

I know just how you feel. I have been having the same mood latley although I have resorted to Ben and Jerrys New York Super Fudge Chunk., ice cream. (sigh...) we just need to get together that will make us both feel better.

Bobie said...

It looks yummy. You go girl. Indulge!!

Vanessa said...

I'm pretty much feeling the same way. Hang in there!

Brooke said...

Can I eat some of that yummy looking cake with ya? I'm in a similar funk. Ick. I hate feeling this way. Hope you feel better soon!

Carrieann said...

Oh boy, do I feel you on this one! And that cake looks so yummy...reminds of the past weekend that I spent with cupcakes.

Dione said...

I often wish I were a bear and could hibernate through the blah months - and when I wake up I'm skinny! Bears don't know how good they go it!

Lynnae said...

Go for it sis, we all need a little cake now and then. And I must add that my jogging has been less enthusiastic since T-day. Here I'd been jogging for three years and all you noobs totally kick my booty. But hey, like you say, they are a decade younger (or more, in my case...)
BTW Michaels had a sweet chain bracelet in their bead section...perfect for Dagny. I got one and want to make a charm for it.
Don't let the politics get you down. Watch less TV news. You'll still know about it, but, it helps.
Love you sis.

Cristina Fritzsche said...

I think everyone is feeling crappy right now. I wake up every morning hoping for sun and what have I gotten? Snow and cold. I am sick of siting in my house waiting for spring to start.

The Burtons said...

Mona, please come visit....and bring that cake!!

Lee Weber said...

hang in there! I know how you feel, though. I am stretched VERY thin at the moment. HUGS- Lee

karen louise said...

I need that cake today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you are feeling better!!