Friday, March 13, 2009

All because one person left a post

It started the day I sent my photo in to Glenn Beck. The "We Surround Them" energy took over...

I left a post on Facebook on his page, which went unanswered for a few days...and then...messages, and friendships, and notes, and posts made me realize this was something big.

What was going to be a gathering of 10 families or so, is now a sponsered event at Noah's tonight, with 1000 (yes....a THOUSAND) people expected to come, including a congressman and radio DJ to take over announcements.

I can not even post right now. My emotions are high, it has been a long week, and I will have to get back to you all later.

let it be known, however.....I do believe that just a few people can make a difference. I know it.


  1. That's an amazing achievement, Ramona!!

  2. WOW! How awesome! Hope everything goes well for you!

  3. I'm looking forward to your next post!

  4. That is so amazing, I am glad you are so happy!! See your story when I get back from vacay!!

  5. I was so sad I couldn't be there, I can't wait for pics and a full report, especially from the starts of FOx News!

  6. Were you at Noah's? That's awesome. I think I still have it'll have to let me know where you were sitting.
    Now, I heard him say it started with a post...was that post-ee you?

  7. Ramona, I just read your quote in the Daily Herald about TAMN!! That's awesome!

  8. did it go? I'm dying to hear all the details.
    On Friday night, I ended up having to meet with my bishop because I got a new calling.

    You're going to laugh....

  9. I can't wait to read more about it. I saw your stuff on Facebook, but was too chicken to ask. How exciting!

  10. Hope it went well. I met with some friends from my ward who are starting up a political/religious book club. It was neat, because we felt like we've already started to do what Glen is recommending.

  11. Thank you so much for being a fan of Glen and Dave! Me too! I sent our photos, I couldn't attend We Surround Them because I had to pick up someone at the airport, but I thought about Noah's and wished SO BAD to be there.
    I love your humor, your passion and your sidebar comment about blogging. Amen girl.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?