Friday, May 1, 2009

Flashback Friday-My Oldest

As if my last post wasn't a flashback enough, I have been pondering how our children grow so strangely fast right before our eyes. Case in point: my oldest son. It honestly seems like yesterday he was a feisty little toddler, being sassy and independent and driving me to tears because I was sure I was failing him as a mother. Our last little jaunt to Moab reminded me how many times we went when he was little- with a lot of 4-Wheeling in my hubby's Bronco.

Please note the OH SO COOL Dr. Martins with the slouchy socks. Man, I rocked those boots! But enough about my shoes.... here I am with my oldest. I am pretty sure he was telling his father he WOULD NOT look at the camera and smile. But look.....see his little hand curled up in mine? See his little legs, his tiny little teeth in his rebellious smile? See? He is 2 years old or so here.
And then now.....

Fast Forward 12 years- he is almost 14, as tall as I am, swaggering home hours after school surrounded by boys looking for a snack and girls who won't even sip a drink. He got a new DSi and scrambled around the hills of Moab taking pictures of everything he saw. To my surprise he stood still for a quick shot of us without saying "No...that's stupid!" and the result was this little photo. I know....I am a baby, but it has already made me cry several times.

For those parents reading this I know you can sympathize with me on this one. For you non-parental readers, just nod your head and say "Why yes...that does sound completely traumatizing. YOu must feel like your life is slipping away. "
Thank you.


  1. You totally had the cute Rachel hair cut!

  2. FIrst of all, let me say...I LOVE the music you're rockin'!
    And yes, it is very traumatizing, he's getting so old!!
    And are GORGEOUS! You have just gotten better and better with time!
    (LOVE the Docs!)

  3. We got the necklace! IT is wonderful of course...thanks again... I should have a blog give away.... I could offer...uhmm....hmmm... some un-edited in likely to offend off the cuff opinionism?

  4. This type of thing does scare me. That as I'm starting the whole thing right now, that it's just going to fast forward and be over before I know it. And then it will just be Jaren and I again, by ourselves. I guess I just gotta keep perspective. :)

  5. I loved your post. I know you know what I am going through right now!

  6. Cute pictures- you haven't aged a bit! And yes, you DO wear the Rachel very well! (And I love those Docs! I think I had that exact same outfit.) :p

  7. Oh Ramona - now is not the time to make me ponder! In a few short weeks I will be leaving my "baby" girl here in Utah - for good. New Mexico is not her home and there is nothing there for her (mommy and daddy aren't going to cut it any more). And one year from now my second one will follow her lead - and it goes on and on. Do you see what I'm saying - you know it and yet, you have no idea! Enjoy the moments while you can! Excuse me while I go sob and pack a box!

  8. OH, It goes so fast...Who'd of thunk it when we were crying from complete physical it's mostly mentally exhaustion from WORRYING if they are dating the right person, driving safely...on and on...I would take a fiesty 2 year old again some days :)!!!
    Love this post!

  9. They are both such good pics and you DO rock the "Rachel"!! :D

  10. OK, I laughed when you said notice the DOC's because that was the FIRST thing I noticed when I saw the photo!! LOL!
    and that makes me sad how fast time goes, that is how I feel with my kids, it's going TOO FAST!

  11. He is so cute!! We love having him at our house too. And knowing that my boy is one of those looking for snacks I hope he is not eatting you out of house and home!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?