Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sweet Tidbits

Ahhhhh...the past 24 hours has held a few sweet moments for me.

As you can see, my youngest was looking mighty fine as a cowboy for his reader's theater. He didn't tell me he had a major part as "Pete", the promised cowboy to "Julia" in "Rodeo and Julia". He raced Rodeo for the hand of Julia on a broomstick horse, only to lose and faint in the end. (And I didn't take my camera!)

Next was graduation for my niece. This niece was possibly the first toddler I saw my husband love to pieces, she was the sweetest little girl and babysitter, and is simply the nicest girl you will ever meet. To top that all off, she is beautiful to boot. Seeing her graduate almost made me cry....almost.
Last but not least, today was my oldest sons's fitness day. I signed up to race in the 5k with hundreds of other students and a few other parents. Much to my heart's neediness, he hung out with me before the race and let me stand by him and his friends. After him passing me a few times, then falling back to walk, I finally passed him and noticed he never caught up to me again. When I finished before him he explained to his friends..."Yea, but my mom's a runner." Complete moment of happiness.
(Here he insisted on climbing in a tree after graduation...still a little boy at heart) But I've saved the best for last...because when we got home late last night after dinner he came into my room. He sat on the edge of my bed. He talked about girls, (reluctantly), an upcoming party, things he wants to do this summer, and other random subjects.
I was smart enough to appreciate it.
And that is the sweetest thing of all.


Kristina P. said...

Rodeo and Julia. Very clever!

Jules AF said...

I didn't even get the cleverness of that. I suck. But your son is really cute as a cowboy!

Jillene said...

What a cleaver idea for a play--and what a handsome cowboy!!

I hope that my son is that way with me when he is a teenager. I want my kids to be able to tell me everything and anything.

Me (aka Danielle) said...

Truly SWEET moments to cherish!

Debbi said...

YOu look FABULOUS in the grad photo! What a post of "happy". Love it.

Just SO said...

Those tidbits are what I live for. Don't we all?? You have some handsome boys there. And a beautiful niece.

Shannon said...

You and Katelynn look so beautiful. I miss all of you so much and can't wait to visit everyone in July.
(: You are a great mom! :)

Carrieann said...

Woohoo for runners! He is so proud of you, and not afraid to admit it to his friends. That rocks!

Lynnae said...

You and Katelynn look so great! What a packed day. I'm glad you weren't too busy to have the 'moments'.

Wendyburd1 said...

Cute cowboy and niece!!

XO Marie said...

Looks like you(alittle of Mike, but mostly you):)

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh. So sweet.

Dione said...

Looks like the busy end of another school year. I may have 3 teenagers, including a 19 year old, but you're experiencing having a teenage boy before me. I will follow your blog closely for advice!

1. Take up running!

Calvin said...

tender... great cowboy costume :)... why is the name Julia clever... I'm missing something... feel a little dumb....

Unknown said...

Calvin- will you see this??
Rodeo and Julia
Romeo and Juliet......
it was so cute!

Shauna said...

L♥ve the pictures :)