Thursday, June 25, 2009

The one about Michael Jackson....

I loved him.

I saved money with my sister to buy the album...yes, the vinyl record, and we listened for hours.
We awaited the premier of his "Thriller" video on Friday Night Videos with baited breath, nervous we wouldn't be able to stay awake (did that show start at midnight, or what?) because we were nowhere near a house that had the elite channel, MTV.

We saved our Shasta sodas and day old Hostess treats, carefully rationed by dad, to add to the experience, and I remember it like it was yesterday.

In High School me and my friends vowed our love to him and further showed our loyalty by praying to be back-up singers someday, with posters plastered in our hotel window on choir tour. We did his moves whenever possible, and usually laughed ourselves silly- or worse, until someone peed their pants. I remember taping my fingers at one point in my life.

After high school the trials and plastic surgeries started, and I was sad to have to admit Michael was a complete freak...but it didn't stop me from using my knowledge for gain.....

And of course, that is me, lip-syncing "Billie Jean" (and winning, might I add), at our singles ward party. I cruised the Halloween dances that year in this get up- and ended up center floor during "Thriller", surrounded by clapping dancers (would have been a you tube hit, I am sure) and even had a girl ask me out. Creepy.

Anyway, MJJ (middle name Joseph....yea, I know that) was such a big part of my life...such a huge part of my dancing and grooving to music and dreaming about stardom. For today I have to put aside the law-suits and stories of abuse and honor him for what he gave me.

Happy days dancing with my radio blasting....learning the moonwalk....giggling with friends...trying to kick my leg to the side....staring at posters... watching my reflection in the big family room window at night, just being a happy kid.

I kind of regret I never saw him live, but I am glad for the silliness I did have as a loyal MJ fan.


  1. What a nice tribute! That was beautiful.

  2. Ramona, I have to say that you were the first one I thought of when I heard the sad news today. so many memories, remember sitting in the hall way of the jr high with two tape recorders making mixed tapes of his music.

  3. Totally so unexpected. I loved him too. My favorite poster was of him in the yellow sweater know the one?

  4. I have the same feelings. I am saddened by his passing. He was such an amazing artist, singer and dancer. A lot of my childhood memories are connected with his music and videos.

  5. I so relate to you! I loved him, and am so saddened by his passing!

  6. I was living in NC when he was at the height of his career. I still have mine and Cammie's MJ memorabilia. It's too much a part of my childhood to let it go!

  7. I was so sad too. He was the King. You always were the best MJ know it all, but he was a babysitter to me in Kindergarden... Everyday I'd come home, make Bologna sandwich with a slice of Kraft cheese, put in the Moonwalker VHS video and watch and dance.

    If only I'd got a chance to see him perform.

    Good post.

  8. It's really too bad that all of his weird craziness has overshadowed his talent.

  9. I am glad I was a fan also, it is so sad and I really want to know how this happened.

  10. I was sooo little when thriller came out, but I still remember it!

    I think he is a GREAT artist (freak, yes, but still talented beyond belief!) and am sad too!

    Let his music play all day, that's what I'll be doing. YAY for good music.

  11. This is a great tribute! He really was a musical genius! There is no doubt about it. It really is to bad that he became so unstable later in life! He truly paved the way for all the greats of today and then some!

  12. Oh yes Vanessa...the yellow sweter hot.
    I never really liked the poster that was him and a baby tiger posing. I am not big into animal shots......

  13. Thx to freinds on Facebook who sent me pictures of me loving Michael Jackson in high school....I probably didn't have a camera back then. These pictures are making my day!

  14. I love all of the great pictures.
    I wish I had grown up during Michael Jackson mania.
    But I still love him nonetheless, and it's a true loss to the music world now that he's gone.

  15. He was so freaky he could have been an Osmond.
    Wasn't attached to his music so all I could see was the freakiness.

  16. Even if he was strange... He was talented!! This was a sweet entry and a nice tribute!

  17. Oh, he was so big in the 80s A talented, but freakish man. What a shame. Genius seems to do that to people. He's happy now, that's the comfort we can take.

  18. So how many times did you get to go on the Captain EO ride?

  19. The very first concert I ever went to was the Jackson 5 Victory tour in October 1984. It was their last concert as the J5 and the first concert after the Thriller Album was released. I haven't attended many concerts in my life, but I guess I should count myself lucky that I got to see MJ perform live.

  20. It occurred to me today, that I hadn't seen any blog posts from you in forever, and then I looked at my blog roll and found you weren't there! Then I found you and saw that I wasn't even following, what the heck! I'm glad to see you're still blogging.


  21. So I had a T-SHIRT with the pic of Michael in the yellow sweater on front. My Grandpa Moore wouldn't allow me to come in his house if I was wearing I wore it all the time.
    I've been watching the tributes on VH1 all week and making my kids watch too! :0)

  22. Hope you have a Happy 4th of July weekend :) ♥ HUGS ♥


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