Friday, July 17, 2009

Giving away common sense for free.....

Here is my summer giveaway just in time to honor the know, because having common sense is kind of pioneering idea right about now.

I am half way done with my copy, it has a hundred pages or so of modern day common sense ideas, and the it has the original "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine. This is the only book I have watched my husband finish in one day...of course, he was fuming mad as he read it, but hey, a little fire in the belly never hurt anyone, right?

Not a partisan supportive book, more of a cry against government spending and "emergency" passing of bills that only hurt the American people by adding to our crippling debt. I think members of both side of the aisle would find this interesting, it is an easy read that will get you thinking.

So leave a comment for one entry, refer a friend to comment to add additional entries ( tell them to mention your blog/name, whatever, and give them one entry), and soon a brand new copy of this will be in the mail to one lucky winner.

Enter by July 24, Pioneer Day, and good luck!


Rindee said...

Me, Me! It's on my to-read list. I'd love to have it lying around the house for my husband to pick it up and get a little belly-fire.

Shauna said...

What a great giveaway :)
♥ HUGS ♥

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Dione said...

I've been thinking it's time for me to learn what Glenn Beck is all about!

Calvin said...

Pretty bold title to take as your own... Kind of like me writing a pamphlet called Uncle Cal's Cabin.. might be a little in bad taste Mr. Beck...

Wendyburd1 said...

I would love to win this for my dad!

Vanessa said...

Pick me!

Lynnae said...

Yeah, that's a great giveaway.
I like this new background, too.

Unknown said...

I have to say I will defend this title , I find it bery fitting- first off, he says he is inspired by Thomas Paine, and wants every American to be inspired as well, he never says he is the next Thomas Paine.... there is a difference.

Next off, he uses that phrase often on his show...for example, does it makes sense to SPEND more money and raise taxes to stimulate the economy? What does common sense tell.....does raising taxes out more money in the American pockets? Does common sense tell you that halting all oil driling and refinery building will move us away from foreign energy dependency...etc. SO see, it used as the term it is, an every day way of looking at situations and wondering if the application is one of common sense. Quite frankly, I think the title is perfect, and have wondered why so many people have jumped on his title with out even reading the book.

Goob said...

sign me up!

Calvin said...

ok, I want to give you a bad time about your response to my comment... but sarcasm is so hard to pull off on here, and there have been a few heated discussions on here in the past... my reply was going to be something like "Hey! Put down the picket activist lady!" But then someone is going to say how great it is you are involved and stand up for what you believe yadda yadda.

But I am going to write my own series of pamphlets...

Fist "Uncle Cal's Cabin"
Next: "The Count of Monte Calvin"
followed shortly by "To Kill Another Mocking Bird"

In all seriousness though, anyone who is familiar enough with his propaganda (couldn't resist) to understand why that title is so fitting is going to love everything he does. People not familiar with his rants (hee hee hee) are going to think that taking the title of such a pivotal piece of literature as your own is going to come off as a little cocky. I think that's why people are going to be ruffled by the title... which from what very little I know of Mr. Beck is probably not accidental....

And tomorrow Ramona is going to be staging a protest in my front lawn.

Lee Weber said...

you always find good things to read!

love the new blog look too- think I might change mine again... hehehe

Lee said...

I'd like to win this! I may be a teenager, but I've always thought politics was interesting.
Plus I'd also give it to my mom after I was finished. She'd enjoy it. :)

Calvin said...

ok, just to be clear... I'm a big Ramona fan... last post was my version of humor really late at night... I know I know...

Michelle said...

This one looks like a good one. If I don't win it, I'm gonna buy it anyway. :)

Jessica G. said...

I could use a little (or a lot of) common sense!

Sher said...

cool! I'd like to read this!

The Mecham Family said...

Hey Ramona, I'd love to win it! Then I can maybe feel almost smart enough to talk with you about Politics :)

Unknown said...

First off...

I'm so happy to hear that Calvin is still a Ramona fan...

second off..

I am passionate about politics, but that doesn't necessarily mean I am smart about them!

J. P. said...

A guy asked me the other night..."which side are you gonna choose?" after using my jedi powers on him, he finally cracked and said... "in the revolution..."


Calvin said...

Hey R, how was the parizzle? (yep, I'm urban now)

Hope you have pics of you on the float.. did you get to defy gravity? or should I say gravizzle?