Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Easy Redistribution

Yes, folks , it's true.....

Now you, too can enjoy the the wealth of others in your own home. It's all possible with the is easy game, "I Call Obama".

Here's how it works. Simply pay attention to the last of the best in your house. You know, the last brownie in the pan, the last Coke in the fridge, or piece of garlic toast, the last cup of milk for cereal....
as someone goes to take it, simply announce "I call Obama!".

The person MUST share with you, and anyone else who wanted a bit of the best.

Does it matter that Dad was still hungry for Lasagna? Nope! Does it matter that mom was saving that Coke to drink while she worked on the primary program? No WAY! What about that Easter Basket full of chocolate your best friend dropped off? Call Obama!
You want it, you take it!

In fact, calling Obama scored me some delicious Twix and Resses Peanut Butter cups on Halloween from my totally greedy children (who spent hours trick or treating) so, you get the idea. It is SO FUN you will be playing all day!

Nothing like family redistribution.

(In all fairness, my friend Heidi taught me this game. I'd link you to her blog, but she doesn't have one. She is a hilarious girl with an equally awesome hilarious family, that I try to pretend I belong to sometimes. They call "Obama" too.)

I call Obama on comments!
Now you HAVE to leave me one, even if your time is short, so get typing, Americans!


  1. Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

    And I have to say that I love the fact that you were drinking Coke while working on the primary program. Or at least you were planning to until someone called Obama on your Coke.

  2. Wow! This is great! I can just picture the Obama game played at our home - there will now be peace, tranquility, fairness... pure joy! Thanks for sharing!

  3. That is a crazy idea, and I love it. Lol

  4. What a great idea!! Thanks for the laugh Ramona!

  5. Ramona--you can be in our family anytime you want. You know we all love you!!

    Thanks for spreading the wealth!

  6. I love it. I'm going to link, and you can't say no, because I CALL OBAMA!

  7. Freaking Obama already destroyed OUR insurance.
    We can go to 6 dcctors.
    We don't get to choose anyone else. We have to abandon the doctors we've been with for 15 years.

  8. HOLY COW!!!! Ramona this cracked me up I am so sending your link to my family!
    I hope no one calls OBAMA on the last of the dressing from the turkey on Thanksgiving but I am so sure my Dad will he is on retirement you know I bet he needs a hand out:) TEE HEE!
    PS working on your tags:) Can't wait to get them to you!

  9. ooooooh, this is gonna be good. I'm calling Obama on the first $100 of every future paycheck.

  10. I hoped this presidency was going to better... hoped ebing the word. I know he inherited a boat load of cr@p from GW, but man oh man, things aren't going well. Maybe we should all pray hard for Barack.

  11. Oh my gosh! too funny! I hope you don't mind linking you on my blog!

  12. Ha ha ha! Clever and Funny ;D Love it!

  13. I wish I could do this in public.

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  15. You are great. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and thanks for the laughs the music helped make it even better. You are a bloggin artist that is for sure.

  16. You are great. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and thanks for the laughs the music helped make it even better. You are a blogging artist that is for sure.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?