Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The great ideas from kids

One fabulous thing about being a parent is all the SUPER DOOPER ideas your kids have. I mean, just the other day I walked into my living room and there it was...the perfect ornament on my tree!
A PAPER AIRPLANE.....now why do I even spend money on decorations when I could just let my kids sit around and throw planes into my tree. They are going to do it anyway!

And while I am on the subject....why didn't I think of this great task when I asked my son to add "buying ice-melt" to my to do list

I mean really, giving $500 to my son sounds like an item that should be moved to the TIPPITY TOP of my priority list.

And for anyone who knows me well, you know what a struggle the LAUNDRY has always been. It just doesn't matter what I tell myself, keeping up with this task is a deed that haunts me. My sister over at Little White Attic gave me a handy list that tells the kids what you will be washing the next day, and then they just throw it in a basket and you start it in the morning. It is posted several places in our home:

However, since I have been slacking a little lately, well, not just a little, but a lot,I did it GREAT for a months or two, and now I am hit and miss (sorry, Lynnae! I am trying!), but not without a reminder of what a great idea it is.......

and yes, that is one of my son's GREAT reminder to me...."We need to start doing this again"...
really ....

Aren't kids great? I would have NEVER thought of that!


  1. I LOVE your laundry list! How awesome is that!

  2. Kids are great. I love all your reminders. :)

    Oh, and I've never read the Christmas Jar...I must do so...

  3. LOVE this post!!! I HATE laundry too!
    I like your idea! And I love the "WE"
    too :)
    I bet your "WE" is alot like mine..."MOM" LOL!
    Merry Christmas FRIEND!

  4. That list is genius. I'm too scatterbrained to separate my clothes by color. I just throw them in and say a prayer when I turn the water on! I'll take $500, too, btw!

  5. Hah! That is so funny. I love it when kids start making helpful suggestions. How cute!

  6. One time when Hillary was about 5 (and Lynnae was pregnant with Jordan) she very helpfully suggested that it would be better if when we got the clothes out of the dryer Lynnae folded them and put them away right away rather than piling them on the chair in the living room.
    I thought it was going to be an untimely end for her, but Lynnae just sweetly said, "Well, when you are a mommy, that might be a good thing for you to do at your house."

  7. Oh, and I actually think a Christmas tree decorated with a bunch of nicely folded paper airplanes in different colors, not hanging, but just stuck in the tree as if they landed there, would be pretty neat looking.

  8. While you are giving out money to your kids, I'll take some :)

  9. Hope you have a blessed and very Merry Christmas! ♥ HUGS ♥

  10. WOW your blog is STUNNING! I look forward to visiting again! :) Cassandra

  11. Oh, that's just priceless. I'll do your laundry, if you'll put mine away!! ;-)

  12. As a fellow member of the I-hate-laundry club, I love the chart idea (I'm also a member of the compulsive chart-making club).

    And the reminder note? Priceless.

  13. My sister in-law has tacky ornaments. I know, I'm judgmental. But it's true. Anyway, this year she did something different and I loved it! She told her kids to find stuff around the house and stick it on there. It was awesome.

    There was everything from a roll of toilet paper to a flip flop. It was so eclectic! I wish I'd taken a picture of it!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?