Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gotta Run

2009 was the year I became addicted to running. I never thought it would happen.....

My relationship with running goes something like this. Mockery. Interest. Envy. Jealousy. Timid. Comfortable. Affectionate. Passionate.

This by no means indicates that I am a great runner. I waddle, I whine, and I only run outside in fair weather, but somewhere between mocking the idiots sweating on the streets and passionately craving a good day to slip on my shoes and head outside, I became a runner. Then the scale rewarded my running and I became excited.

I made a commitment and registered for a half marathon- and it is here. I will be running the course in Carlsbad along the shores and with the breeze this weekend.
I am doing it alone, which scares me more than anything, with no one to talk me out of walking and no stories to take my mind off which mile I am on.

I must have my ipod shuffle, my comfy Saucony shoes, and my pre-run puddings as part of my already well established running ritual.
I have to forget about the ankle that kept me down for a month. I must get over the ill-fitting temporary crown that attracts my tongue like a magnet. I must not worry that all of the runners I know were unable to join me.

Yes, I am scared.

I just gotta run.

art found at jillan tamaki


  1. I wish you all the best. The only place I'm running to is the refrigerator for another Dove bar! lol

    xo Cathy

  2. i eat, therefore i run!
    that is great.
    sometimes doing it alone is alright and even better.
    though you must have your support group there cheering you on.
    have fun and post some pics when you return!

  3. It sounds like a great location, with the water and all. I am extremely jealous.
    Have fun. You will do great!

  4. OOOOO Running what an exilirating thing!!!! Alas WI Fit is my passion and running is not one of my fit favorites. But I do love Boxing who knew:)

  5. I am so excited for you, nothing like your first. I will also be running a half this weekend and will be sending all of my good racing energy your way. Pre race pudding huh? I might have to try it.

  6. You'll do great! Wish you had a partner with you, that is the ONLY thing that got me through mine in August! I need to find my bug again. I was so "run" out in August and I'm just getting back into it...And sadly the scale NEVER rewarded me! stupid!

  7. Good luck! My best friend has always been a runner, and I thought she was nuts. Then I tried it, and I'm hooked. Not ready for a marathon...let me know how it goes.

  8. I've been thinking about becoming a runner for several years. I'm scared because I couldn't even run in high school. But I see the benefits both physically and mentally on my friends/family and I want it so bad. Good luck! You will do it!

  9. it's ironic that I am reading this while eating a huge piece of cake...

  10. Congratulations. I just read your comment that you finished. Awesome job.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?