Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Little Love Around the House

Let me be the first to wish you a happy month of love!

While a few new sweet decorations were finding space in my home this year my oldest son commented, "It doesn't have to look like a birthday party in here!"

Well, you know what?
You are absolutely WRONG!

What better thing to celebrate, than love, joy, family, home, and marriage?
Curl up on the bench (if the cats aren't already there)

Or reach into the jar to see a pretty Valentine and find the place on the globe where my latest sentiment was shipped from.....

Open my scrapbook so I can show off the page I finally made of me and my sweetheart with the photos taken last year in February (I am a whole hearted believer in 'better late than never')

And already my kids are discussing the upcoming days of sugar cookies and school Valentine boxes. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of even more Valentine's from sisters and nieces, as well as my swap gift from the Valentine trade. Am I the only one envious of "Emma" (okay, you have to be watching this on Masterpiece Theater!) and her 'project' book of love poems and riddles? I am tempted to carve out a little time to begin one of my own......

Sounds busy? Maybe it is. But I just keep thinking about the magic that Valentine's was as a kid, with gooey cupcakes and conversations hearts, and just thinking there is no reason it should not be every bit as magical for us grown-ups.

Okay.... you got me there.
I do not always qualify as a grown-up.....
and I am proud of it.

But I am challenging myself, and challenging you, to relish in the season of sappiness this year.


  1. Sappy is sooo wonderful!!!! I am so glad you finished the page with your sweet hubbie I love the pictures of both of you so precious:)

    and on to that FABULOUS and I do mean FABULOUS banner! I LOVE IT!!!!

    I to decorate despite the rantings of the men in my house I use my grand children as the excuse to put up things for every holiday season. But they really are for me. I love the changing of the decor and decorations I always have I always will:) I owe that to my sweet mother who now blames the decorating on her Children and Great Grandchildren. TEE HEE


  2. The decorations look great! I'm impressed that you decorate for Valentine's day, we just barely got our Christmas stuff put away.

  3. Beautiful..
    OK, if you can believe this...I NEVER,have decorated my house for Valentine's day..You have inspired me..
    And BTW, thanks for the sweet comment..but you my-dear,
    are the GORGEOUS one.

  4. Beautiful & romantic home. I love the scrapbook page! I will tell Carrie to come check it out!

  5. I love your house decorations. I an just ready to go crazy with decorations to get my through this blah time of year......

    I'm glad you noticed Emma and Harriet's book. I want to make one too! How divine for a side table in February!

  6. I {heart} that banner...get it? Heart. Hah! No really...I want that banner. I LOVE Valentine's Day. It's just a perfect time to celebrate the love of all the sweethearts in your life. Now if only I could get addicted to running like you so I could justify the serious sugar cookie cravings...

  7. Your house always looks like a Pier 1/World Market catalog...only better! Love the cat :)

  8. Ok, ok, you've inspired me. I'll try to something Valentiney in my house. But I wouldn't dare post pictures of it! :)

  9. I wish that Valentines was bigger here Down-Under, especially when I see your beautiful decorations and read your heartfelt words.

    Thank you for inspiring me to be red on the 14th!

    Best wishes, Natasha.

  10. I was looking at your blog today, and even though this has nothing to do with your post, I couldn't find another place to post this. The last movie you saw ... V for Vendetta. I think many of us need to buy a mask. I have a post where my husband and I re-wrote the poem for V to fit our situation. Let me know what you think. Sorry the video is gone, but you get the idea.

  11. I am happy you liked your package! Happy valentines day!!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?