Tuesday, June 15, 2010

LIfe is a Stage

One of my hobbies in life is being on stage. I was raised in a home where every day was a performance, either for one of my 12 siblings or parents, or for myself in front of the large living room window, which had a reflection that could rival any dance studio's walls of mirrors.

This from my Junior Year, in "Bye Bye Birdie"- of course I was the noisy loudmouth friend, "Ursula".

Later I started spending time in community theater, with my family sometimes, in shows like "Hello Dolly" and "Fiddler on the Roof" (probably still one of my lifetime favorites.) Most days our home was filled with music. I used to brag about knowing all the songs to "Jesus Christ Superstar" like a musical rebel, but acting out shows and singing along was just part of our every day lives.

When I got married, I kind of moved on. I spent nights with my husband and spent days at work, and then the kids came along and theater was just a lucky once in a while visit. Until 2006, when my grandma and mom both encouraged me to try out for "CATS".
I had a horrible audition, but luckily made it to call backs where I secured a spot as Demeter, and never looked back.
My local moment in the spotlight included being featured on the front of the Entertainment Guide for the paper.

The paper feature, applause, or even the flowers from my ever patient hubby (whom I had to gently 'remind' that flowers are an opening night tradition), were not what captured me that summer. What grabbed me by the heart and has never let go was the simple process of performing. Singing and dancing. Performing like a little kid and being part of an amazing production. I followed with a small part in "Seussical", and last summer had the chance to play the part of a lifetime in "Wizard of OZ", including flying and throwing fire from a broom

This year the madness has taken a whole new turn, as I got a part in "Joseph and the Amaazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" not just alone, but with all of my kids. My oldest son is "Benjamin", Joseph's youngest brother, and my younger boys are in the children's chorus. We load up every night from Tuesday through Friday and most Saturday mornings and head over to do our part in being part of this amazing show. It has been a blast (but adding to the busy summer schedule) and I am glad for the fun we have had....

Mostly though, I think about what music and creativity brought to my life as a young girl smack dab in the midst of a somewhat crazy household, and I think of the power music still has in my life- along with the gift of being able to share a performance with other people. Those are the things that make me most passionate and most excited for the summer ahead- and the chance to pass it along to a new generation of young crazy kids.


  1. I am so impressed, my friend! I'm sure you will be amazing. I will have to try to see you.

  2. The only thing that can outweigh my envy of having you and your kids in the show (man, me and my girls would LOVE to do it!) is the excitement I have to come see y'all perform!
    It is going to be so great.
    We rented Joseph off of Netflix to get my girls ready and Reese is already obsessed with it....and all three of them go around singing it.

  3. Ramona, my friend, you are Talent (with a capital T)! I love the theater! And Joseph is my FAVORITE! When are you performing?

  4. ...And you are so good at it! I love being in a production too, but have decided I lack not only the acting skills, but the nerve, to have a big role. I love being in the chorus though, and I still get nervous!!!
    I can't wait to see you and the boys!

  5. Did I mention that shooting that fireball from your witch broom was the coolest thing ever??!

  6. Hey Girlie!
    Well if you couldn't blog at least it was for a good reason. How great to do a show with your boys. You are passing on a love for the theatre and some great memories.

  7. I think I tell you this in every comment...I simply think you're amazing! I would love to see one of your performances.

  8. YOU ROCK. I am in awe. Go break a leg- or something... hugs-

  9. You are AMAZING!!!

  10. Oh Ramona WOW!! What more can I say! You truly are such a talented and inspiring friend. Wish I could stop by and see you and your family in the play I love Joseph's technicolor dreamcoat! What a wonderful Mother and Role Model you are!

    Miss Chatting but I see you are WAY to busy currently. Maybe Fall will lend to more fabulous conversation:)

  11. That is so neat! What a great experience for your kids. And good for you for seeking out something you still love so much.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?