Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I want, I want, I want

Some days I just kind of want to stomp my feet and beg for things.....

I mean, it is silly, considering I have lots of cool things already....BUT

I lust.

I keep telling my family that Santa better have one thing for sure on that sled for me

I am ready to move up from my point and shoot, but not ready to go full force photographer. The Rebel proves to be a good entry level DSLR.
I have tried to be very good all year, haven't I?

And because of the long distance business trips my secret stash is low.... I believe a visit to See's is in order.

We are starting to talk about the REMODEL. When the Ramsey effect has taken place, and we are fully debt free, including the mortgage!!!! ( sometime in the spring), we have decided we will do some renovating, and I can't stop pining over the idea of a new kitchen

(photo from Cottage Living). So hey, we will have a loan again at that point, but we know how to make mince meet of those silly debts, so we are not afraid. Long Live Capitalism!
Bring on the spring renovation!

I also have been thinking I need a cool pair of boots (these are from Elle)

I am anything BUT a cowgirl, but I just keep envisioning cute skirts, slouchy socks, worn jeans and tromping right over the muddy leaves all fall..... These just may be a necessity.

Speaking of fall...... let me sigh over the end of summer

I am a little bit mad at myself for wasting so many beautiful days this summer feeling tired and not chasing the sun as much as I should have...

but hey, there is always next year.


  1. I have to say, you need to be my Dave Ramsey guru.

  2. Anyday Kristina! It is more about behavior than numbers! I am a walking testimonial.

  3. Your husband mentioned some of the renovation ideas when we were out looking at your shed and backyard. I think that's awesome (because I don't want you to ever sell your beautiful house...not that I have any say in the matter). But I'm excited for you. I love houses. It will be cool to see what ideas you can come up with.

  4. You are very inspiring! I'm so happy for you!!! When you go to See's eat a milk chocolate vanilla buttercream for me! DELISH!!!!!

  5. You crack me up! I want a new camera too, I think Santa will also be bringing one this year.

  6. I can't believe you didn't write...
    "Viva la Renovation!!!"
    (best when shouted out in a gruff Latin accent)

    Or maybe a photoshop of a Che styled Martha Stewart.
    I may have to make one of those. It just seems like a moral imperative now.

  7. I miss you. Just wanted to say that. And I SO love your house. Excited to see what you do :)

  8. Congrats on the Ramsey success.
    If only there was a Dave Ramsey guaranteed approach to weight loss.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?