Thursday, February 3, 2011

Eye Candy for 7 degree weather

Brrr. That is all I felt this morning. The thermostat was loose on the wall and so my heater shut off last night. The house sat at a cool 60 degrees- it is finally warming up, but slowly.

Due to my foul mood (I couldn't tear myself away from the news yesterday, just watching Egypt unravel before my eyes) and the foul temperature, yes, it was 7 degrees when I dropped off my teen at early morning seminary, I am escaping in photos.

The following are from the iVillage photo board by Mary Kate Frank.
It was probably warmer than 60 degrees in this lovely bedroom upon waking

and if it wasn't how about a soak in a hot bath in here

In my escape I read and create in these rooms

I wish I had the power of Mary Poppins to just jump right into these
romantic rooms this February.

And for my Style app picture of day how about some - Ralph Lauren- I love this

and now back to the reality of the morning and the comforts I actually have

my cheapy knock off warm boots which work great without socks, by the way

(I slip these on every morning upon climbing out of bed and they stay on until I am dressed for the day. It is my solace for getting out of my warm covers.)

my morning jolt, since a Diet Coke just seems wrong before 9:00 am

sip and breath.

I am probably addicted.


  1. We love those Crystal Light packets.

  2. Those rooms are to die for. I hope you are nice and warm now.

  3. It's not a probably for me. I always go to the gym first thing in the morning. The can of Diet Coke would be a little obvious. Maybe everyone thinks my crystal light with a kick is just gatorade.

  4. SO Love those Images, JUST amzingly beautiful..Thanks for stopping by my blog,
    Excited new Follower, ill be back

  5. We are routinely only 61 to 62 degrees in the house in the morning- too dang expensive to heat this monster house!! Brrr. is right. I love those pics you posted, I really hope to get to re-do some of the house someday!! xo

  6. I missed this post when it first went up I guess. A cold house is the pits. i can't do anything when it dips below 68! Just cover my cold nose with blankets.
    The Ralph Lauren clothes were lovely. I'm a huge fan of Victorian blouses, and they look great with jeans. But that skirt was fabulous.

  7. I adore that Ralph Lauren look and your boots too! Great photos and great words to take us through them!
    ~ Katie


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?