Saturday, March 12, 2011

Out of Touch

I am a bit disconnected and out of sorts with the move. No internet at the new house has forced us to empty our home around our computer desk- so when we are here packing we can sit down and check our e-mails (I had almost 500 this morning).

I miss my blog connections and friends as they constantly inspire me and keep me connected with people I know and care about. I hope I get internet at the new place soon. Even my iPad is complaining about how neglected it has become.

I am still in a tiny bit of boxed up chaos but wanted to share just a couple more pictures from the new house.
This is our breakfast nook that is just off the kitchen, separate from "my table", which is out the other direction. I am surprised by how much I love this large tile and warm colors. As you can see walls are bare and blinds are not in yet.

Soon...... real soon.....

Below is the main entry way, with the chairs and table you saw in my last post (chairs from RC Willey, at the amazement of everyone I tell- but I know you can get similar ones at Ballard Designs if the furniture store doesn't carry them any longer) sitting to the right of you as you stand inside the door. If nothing else, this room is pulled together so guests can come sit and fall into the illusion that I am already organized (which I am not).

I am in love with the staircase and I am already planning my entire Christmas decor around it. (Hope I have the energy to make it happen this year!) We were definitely drawn to the staircase when we stepped into this house for the first time. At the top of the stairway to the left side is all the boys bedrooms and bath, and the right french doors open the master suite.

Still lots of work to be done.....

Can I take a break and share a fashion show tidbit?

Is it just me or do these slightly remind you of my bargain shoe love that I endured for Valentine's? I was happy to see these in the Antonio Marras fashion show. Maybe it is time to get yourself a pair! I will say, I wore mine to church with my lace red blouse (header photo) and they got noticed and admired. Even my hubby said they looked great.
Rare. That is rare.

In my weeks of packing, driving, unpacking, stacking, tossing and living I have learned one thing that rings true to me as a woman and as a mother.

A great home can not be bought.
It must be made.

Make your home lovely today


  1. We are starting some remodeling on Monday. TOok our condo off the market and will relist it when things pick up, hopefully!

    But I am excited. We are doing things finally I have wanted to do for six years.

    Your home is lovely.

  2. Oh, you're right, that staircase is out of dreams!
    I love the new pictures. Moving is hard for anyone, and even though an 'across town' move seems convenient, in some ways it's harder that a cross country move that forces you to do it all at once, because you don't clear your schedule, you are still involved in other things and it drags out between the two houses.
    Hang in there. And don't worry about Christmas. By the time it rolls around you will feel like you've been there forever and have tons of great ideas to boot.

  3. Hey...I just realized that even though I visit your blog almost daily (now that I have internet again), I realize how seldom I leave a commemt, so I have to tell you how much I LOVE the look of your blog nowadays....especially those little hearts that float over the text. I feel like I could just reach out and pick one up.
    Love you, love your blog and love your new house.

  4. Adore the red shoes!!! Hope your new house is beginning to feel like home by now ~ it's looking wonderful!

  5. Just tell does it feel to go to the bathroom on a NEW toilet? Have doors that actually lock? Have multiple plugs in every room?
    Wait...don't tell me. I don't even want to know :0)
    So happy for you. Can't wait to come over and see you (and the new house).

  6. Love the new house and the new furniture is to DIE for. I am SO SICK of not having a few new things (like we planned when we moved a year ago...) Those chairs- YUM!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?