Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Inspiration for the Creative

To all the women I follow who create lovely rooms, yards, tags, collages, clothing, jewelry and beautiful lives around me : this gift of truly sacred words I pass along to you

Sit for 2 minutes and celebrate with me our ability to create

I am overwhelmed by the beautiful things I see

that speak to me and revive me.

And for the power to create

I am ever grateful

Happy Easter

(photos: room by Weheartthis.com and Fearless by Papaya Art)


  1. Gorgeous! I loved that message from Elder Uchdorf too, and needed to hear it again. Thanks!

  2. So pretty!

    I was at Tai Pan today, which isn't normally my style, but I thought of you. I saw really pretty chandeliers and things in it!

  3. Is that your bedroom? Wow! I love those purses hanging from the mirrors. Beautiful!

  4. Loved that! You have always amazed me with your creativity. :)

  5. Ramona you amaze me! I love each thing here and cherish the beautiful pendant you made me last year...girl...it hangs around the neck of a fun bunny I have on my shelf.

    Have a magical Easter!

  6. How did I miss this post of yours? It's one of my favorites so far. I feel one of our huge drawbacks is the inability we have to grant ourselves permission to create....after all, it seems more like playing than working--doesn't it? Yet I know when I think of all the things on my "to do" list, creating something is one of the last things on my mind. Thank you so much for this lovely post.

  7. oh wow....is that room yours? what pretty pictures in this post, I love all of this!!!! I hope you are doing well unpacking and getting settled in your new place. xOxO


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?