Thursday, June 23, 2011

Summer Tidbits

It has been celebrated that I attended my first real flea market.
That was epic, of course. But look at a few more great things we saw.

This house caught my eye while on a neighborhood spy drive.
And it had a for sale sign up.....hold me back, right?

We toured the Air Force Academy Chapel and cathedral- where my son and his group sang a cool Sacred Harp song impromptu style.

The chapel is stunning, in a Star Trek modern kind of way.

We also hit some shops in Manitou Springs

We were sure to grab some ice cream for the kids and chocolate for mom,
but mostly it was window shopping and sightseeing.

It was a great few days of time to together,
following my son with his choir around to hear a couple of performances,
and also just time to kick back.

The perfect way to start the summer.

To hear the amazing kids share their talents with the Sacred Harp Shape Note song "Hark I hear the Harps Eternal" Click HERE. (but the image is horrible. New camera- no knowledge on focus. Sorry. Don't watch, just listen)

I am proud of my singing son.


  1. I love the pink house! Kylie and I passed a pink one in our new city, and she has promised to buy it for me once she becomes a lawyer (in 20 years). I can't wait!

  2. That house is adorable! I think I would like to go to a flea market this summer.

  3. That house is so cute! I'm not surprised that you were tempted.

    Glad you had a fun trip!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?