Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Random Catch Up

Life is kind of like this in the summer-
I move from one moment to the next and hardly have time to stop and reflect
So, welcome to my random catch up.

I am so in love with the 4th of July,
I really can't say it enough

This year it was all about the food, the folks, and the photography.

A day trip to the "Twilight Zone" (Forks and La Push, Wa)
ended up being a surprise highlight of our trip.

All the men involved were much obliging to my silly photos and squealing. I am not above enjoying a completely pointless book on occasion.
And stomping on the stomping grounds was a fun indulgence.
(When is the next movie out, anyway?)

My niece's wedding gave me a chance to extend my vacation,
and spend some real downtime (16 days!) with my family.

Everything was fairy tale perfect, from the bride and groom, to the candle lit tables,
and all the pretty pinks.

Can I just say....I LOVE WEDDINGS!

On that note, I must simply say how precious my religion is to me at this moment in time.
Not only because of the beautiful weddings and belief
in families being together, as a unit, in the next life, but also because
of the precious gift of freedom and agency.

I feel the world would be a better place if people believed in a higher purpose and a higher power, and lived accordingly.

To love something on the level that most religious people do only means one thing;
it makes sense to share it with others.
For my church, that means two years of service.
What a day it was when my nephew came home from his two tough years in Paraguay.

Our family went from screaming, to crying, and back again,
as he came through that lobby.
It is great to have him back, but he is going through withdraws of not serving others and being back in the 'real world'.

One cool thing that impressed me while waiting there was the applause that spread through the airport as a service man or woman came off the flight.

I think when our eyes are open we see more than enough around us
to know we are blessed
to know we are loved
and to know these gifts must be defended with all our hearts.


  1. Beautiful post sis, and it's not really that random after all, is it? I love your photos. I wish I could take a three week vacation to your place!

  2. Lovely - what a great summer you're having!

  3. loved the recap! you have amazing perspective. i really appreciate that!

  4. Wow, you guys have really had an amazing summer!

  5. I loved the updates and your thoughts. Looks like a great month.

  6. Ahh Ramona this is just such a sweet post. I think of you often and hope you and your famiky are doing well. It looks like you are. I love seeing all of your smiling faces:)

    Ps your comments always bring a smile that makes my day!

  7. Oh boy. The wedding pics made me cry, then the last part did, too. But in a good way.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?