Monday, January 28, 2013

Couponing and Saving Up

Over at Moms By Heart they are always a buzz with great deals, free finds, and other tips in running a smooth, frugal household.  Right now they are doing a Stockpile Challenge - just urging you to add to your supplies one week at a time, with just $10 at a time.

Easy enough.
I thought I would challenge myself to see what I could do with $10 today.

Here is my stash-

How it breaks down

4 Bags Halls- 18 pcs. from Dollar Tree - $1.00 off 2 bags coupon ($2.00 spent)
2 Bottles Palmolive / Dollar Tree - $.25 per bottle coupon ($1.50 spent)
3 Bottles Softsoap / Dollar Tree - - $.35 per bottle coupon ($1.95 spent)
4 Boxes Cheez-it / $1.25 ea @Stokes Assoc. Foods - $1.00 off two boxes coupon (spent $3.00)

that left me with $1.55- so I grabbed an extra candle at the dollar store that I found gave off a good amount of light and not too much scent during a recent power outage. (Some of the emergency candles we tried didn't give off very much light, so I am planning on slowly adding these to my stocks.)

(note- the MBH website doesn't buy a lot of snacky foods, but we use these snacks during football season and when my teenage boys have friends over- so I am always looking for a way to have extras on hand without breaking the bank!)

That left a grand total of $9.45 spent- (not including tax)
I look at that picture and I am amazed! Imagine every week adding a surplus like this.
What a great feeling. I love the bite size chunk this is- just enough to feel like I am doing something, but not so much I get overwhelmed.

Check out their website for more INCREDIBLE deals.

I have been couponing on and off for a few years now, but this was a nice reminder of the rewards waiting if you give it a little bit of effort. Every time I find my deals, I am glad I made the effort.

Happy clipping!


  1. This is a great idea. Please keep the tips coming. I have said FOREVER I need to start a stock pile, or food storage. I love the break down. Who knew the Dollar Store took coupons.

  2. I really need to get going on othis couponing....7 kids and back surgery that has left me off work for 6 do you get a h old of all the coupons? I never can find any...HELP!!

  3. I get my coupons from the Sunday paper- I take 2 papers (sometimes a friends drops off ehr coupons, too, it just depends on the week) and you can print a lot of coupons up from online coupon sites. is a great start, but if you go to the bloglinked up in this post they have a lot of coupon links there also.

    Call your local paper nad get the Sunday delivery- that is the best first step!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?