Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Honest Truth about my Hair Extensions

This is a major subject shift from my last post. (Thanks for all your kindness and support, by the way. I was so overwhelmed this weekend with it).

We are going straight for the jugular of vanity.

I was lamenting to my hairdresser about how long my hair was taking to grow out. I am not getting any younger, if you know what I mean. I don't have many years of 'long hair eligibility' left.  She was scrubbing my head with her delicious smelling shampoo (which is when you are in their trance) and said, "let's just put in extensions."

Really? Just like that?
Check it out.

So she gave me this tip. You can buy hair online, at great prices.
Make sure it's REAL human hair, we shopped for Remy hair, and buy from a seller you trust.
You can get it for a fraction of what your salon will charge you. (usually $35.00-$65.00)  I got mine off Ebay. It took less than 3 weeks to make it's way from China to my excited American hands.

Find a hairdresser that will put in the hair.  Just ask at the salon you go to if anyone will do it. Try to get a referral. You know why.
My hairdresser loves to let people find their own hair, it just saves her so much time, but I know a lot of salons that would be pretty adamant about you using 'their' hair (which they probably ordered from China in the first place.) Find someone who will work with you.

If you want to know the process of actually getting them in please go here to Little Miss Momma's Blog.
The process is EXACTLY what we did.

Now, here is the honesty part I am going to share that NO ONE ELSE ever does. (Why is it such a big secret). Here is the truth about getting them in.

It doesn't hurt THAT bad. If you have ever let your kids brush your snarly hair you are probably ready.  The area just back from my temples was the most sensitive, but come on, really, I thought it would be so excruciating I took pain pills with me. I never needed them.

It took almost 2 hours. If your hair is smooth and a color match (check and check for me) it easier to get right to business. The two corn rows felt tight instantly, like a slight tug.  Not too bad.

It takes me much longer to do my hair.  I mean.... MUCH MUCH MUCH longer.  And I use a lot more product on it, as well. Only make this commitment if you can spend time getting your hair right.  I have 3 times the hair now, and I have to style it almost separately, drying and curling it in chunks. I used to do my hair in 15 minutes. Now it takes about an hour. Just be prepared.

It sort of feels like headbands are around your head all day. It can feel itchy at times, especially if it isn't fully dry along the weft attachment.  It's not a big deal, but this is new to me. I took a Tylenol PM the first two nights to sleep, because I was literally freaked out about my hair and it was still pretty tight.  It's been a week now, and I can snooze with no problems. I don't even think about it most of the day.

 Be prepared to feel different. I have hair that is pretty thin naturally, so even in it's longer years it was never shiny or glamorous.  It is weird to see my reflection in the mirror- it just feels different. I wasn't expecting that. I had to buy new hair clips and rubber bands, and they make a special looped brush that lets you brush through your hair without catching the attachment.

Also, if your hair had a blunt cut or bob like mine, it might take some patience when you style the back. I had taken a nap before I took these pictures, but here is what mine looks like typically. I might spend more time blending the curls before I head out.

I will be excited when my own hair has a bit more length, but honestly, it surprises me how natural it looks and feels.  Needless to say, my hubby, who loves long hair, seems to like it..... :-)

It is a drastic change, but it has been so fun.
I still adore cute funky bobs and short, stylish cuts...but for a while I just going to be that girl with long hair, and that's kind of fun.

BEFORE and AFTER my makeover.


  1. You know I love it! I just ordered mine today. Can't wait to get them.

  2. Ramona,
    I've had "real" extensions and I loved them, but as you mentioned...too much time,pain & my hair is super fine and it pulled it out, eeek! I now use clip ins...and I love them! SO if you ever want a change, go to the "maskara blog" LOVE HER BIG...And search extensions, I bought mine where she said, and I place them like she says...You get the picture!
    BTW, You look great Mama!

  3. You are such a Hot Mama! I love the new hair!

  4. Love them! And love Treece! You are such a babe!

  5. Love them! And love Treece! You are such a babe!

  6. You look so gorgeous! My hair grows pretty fast but when it is long it never looks that cute!
    I was wondering if you can reuse the same extension when it needs to be redone.

  7. Don’t be afraid to have fun with cute clips, combs, and stylish headbands. Taking advantage of these readily accessible accessories can create the illusion of longer hair and might even allow you to have a bit of fun while you wait. You’re in this for the long haul, so make the most of it!

    hair extensions

  8. Your hair looks great! I have thin hair too (but nowhere as thin as yours), so maybe someday when I'm looking for a little more volume I'll have to give this a try. Not sure if it would freak Nick out to have someone else's hair on my head though.

  9. Quick little follow up. They have been great, and I am better at styling them, too. I go in next week to get them "moved up". As long as the hair is still decent you can keep the same extensions in. Some last longer than others.

    I did the clip-ins, and I used them quite a bit, but they really hurt, I didn't love the metal clips by my scalp. With these most of the time I forget I have any extensions in at all, now.

    I have heard there are new extensions called Halo Extensions (lots of tutorials on You Tube) and they look pretty great, too. Might bea good option if you want so length and fullness, but not the permanent commitment.

    The other day one of my sisters asked my husband- "Do you love her hair?" and he said "yes- I LOVE it". Score.
    That's enough to keep me motivated! I actually like it, too.

    Thanks for the response!

  10. You look so beautiful, thanks for sharing your views on hair extensions.

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  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Really, you look so beautiful in this hair extension.
    hair extensions

  15. You look great, Ramona! I love getting hair extensions because it gives a great makeover without doing much to your own hair. I have fine and brittle hair, so as much as I want to try out some funky colors, I don't want to risk using bleach. My hair dresser's solution to that was dying extensions and I love it!


  16. These blogs are valuable because these are providing such informative information for all the people. hair extensions indian hair

  17. Excellent tips, Ramona! Apart from being cheaper than what salons offer, getting hair extensions online also gives you more options. And if I may ask, care to share your hair extension care tips? -Elnora @ Beyond Hair

  18. I found that is was better for me to order the Virgin Unprocessed Hair. It cost a little more but last a very long time. I get mine at and they are usually cheaper then remy (they also carry remy, but I like my virgin hair). You will love this hair, I do.

  19. I seriously love the article – this information is incredible and so easy to follow. Thank you!
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  20. Do you know? Hair Extensions is the best and very popular way to style in youth to enhance their hair beauty. But among all the extensions categories wigs is the easiest way to apply in your hair. You can apply it easily with your own at home.

  21. Hair straightening more helps to females for look good. Many people are wanted to look in stylish greaser look. That's very nice, it will helps to all the people and to all the new hair style specialists. It is very interesting and thank you so much for giving the opportunity.

  22. That is awesome! It’s good that you have decided to get around what appears to be a limitation of nature, as far as your hair is concerned. You don’t have to limit yourself, if there are available alternatives out there. Also, this gives you a preview of how you might want your hair to look like, as soon as it grows to that length in the future. Anyway, have fun with your hair extensions! Cheers!

    Tommy Clark @ Her Hair Company

  23. Superb! You're hair extensions really give your hair more volume and balance. They blend well with your natural hair, that they seem so real. Thanks for sharing that, Ramona! Stay gorgeous!

    Renee May @ Virgin Hair Fixx

  24. WOW !!! You are so beautiful . Great writing .Hair is important for everyone.I also use hair extension bc my hair volume are not good.Hot iron tools are great for hair style specially flat iron. I love my flat iron and it make my hair silky and stylish .I maintain a site for hair styling tools( it will help you.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Thanks a lot! Gonna try your tips. Also, what do you think about hair brush straightener? Is it really more safе? I found it couple days ago and do not know whether I should try it or not. Here is the link to detailed reviews of this new hair tool.

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  28. I am Marry from CO. I am very much pleased about to read this article. It has some good information, which one help me to create correct hair style. Thanks for share :-)

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You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?