Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How they grow

It is an obvious truth in this world. The moment a new baby comes around you look at your youngest and think... when did you get so big? My boys were more excited for their new cousin Beckham then I have seen them in a long time. At the hospital they waited while nurses scrubbed, poked, and bathed the neswest cousin. They refused to leave unitl they had a chance to hold the little baby.
Meanwhile, life is busy.... due to Mike's traveling and ward meetings I decided to invite the Easter Bunny to our house a night early. (Why did I not do this sooner? It was so nice!) I told Parker that I might try to find the e-mail or website and leave a message for the Easter Bunny of the change in plans. He got a funny look on his face and asked slyly..., Mom, is the Easter bunny just a human in a costume?" I felt my heart pick up speed as I thought... 'this is it!" I said.. "What do YOU think the Easter Bunny is?"
He thought for a minute and said, "I don't know, but it has to be a human in a costume!" After our Christmas talk and suspicions that Santa is Jesus, one thing is for sure. He is old enough to doubt the magic of mythical gift bearing figures, but can not comprehend the fact that it may be some one he knows.
Ahhh, the beauty of childhood. Mom and dad never get any credit for anything!

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You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?