Friday, March 7, 2008

In Memory of

In a logical world I know the loss of our Prophet on earth is a blessing for him and his sweet wife. In the emotional world, it still causes me to get emotional. Just this Sunday as I opened the memorial that came with the Ensign I started to cry..... again.

Living less than an hour away from Salt Lake I decided to take my kids to the viewing. We stood in the cold for a while (Parker forgot his coat, so off went mine to cover his little body). Parker kept saying "Mom, are you sure you're okay?" But I honestly just wanted to be there, so it was okay with me. Then they quietly had us wait seated in the conference area. Just looking around at all the people filing through was overwhelming. I started to list all of my memories of this man in my head.... all of his quotes, the "Be's", Standing for Something, the temples, the growth in the church, the press appearances, reading the Book of Mormon (and failing to finish by Decmeber) with millions of other members.... mostly, his little laugh and sense of humor. I felt so honored to be there, so honored to worship, and so honored to belong to the great community of people that is the Latter Day Saint Church.

My kids were quiet and reverent the whole time we watied and as we passed his casket. I hope they will rememebr this moment in their lives and that somehow a little bit of his greatness has touched us all forever.


  1. I didn't know you guys went up there. What a neat thing to do with your boys.
    Your blog is beautiful by the way!

  2. Aaaw, just your post made my throat constrict. I'm so glad you were able to experience that. Thanks for sharing :) I miss you. Hope you are doing well.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?