Thursday, June 12, 2008

My baby brother and his baby....

Cassie and her new baby after labor pains all night. She looked so great... man! It just isn't fair. They were both so excited and the baby is so sweet..... I am happy for them.

Eric sings in little Asher's ear to calm him down, and it worked.....

1 comment:

  1. Aaaaw! I seriously almost cried when I saw those pictures (in a good way - haha). Cassie looks beautiful and just has that mom glow. Please tell them congrats for me.

    And Ramona - so I saw your book recommendations and read "The Bean Trees". I really liked it. Right now I'm flying through "Twilight". I figured if you can't beat em, join em. And my true honest opinion is this: So far, I like it, I'm entertained but it's like going to a movie - it feels kinda like brainless entertainment for a rainy day, you know? Doesn't evoke thought, etc. I wouldn't call it well crafted or ingenious. Cute idea and fun story. What do you think?


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?