Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Notes on a baby Shower

My brother Eric and his cute wife Cassie are anxiously awaiting the birth of their first little one. Expecting a boy, and ready to name him Asher, we are all super excited for this guy to get here! Cassie spent weeks on bedrest with contractions, only to get up and back to life at 37 weeks with, you guessed it, no contractions whatsoever (that is a cruel trick life plays on us, isn't it ?) We decided to meet for a dinner and celebrate with her. Due to weather problems (hello! Utah- it is JUNE!!!) we met at her mom's, instead of the park in Elkridge. I was way too excited about making some super sweet cupcakes (which will never grace the lips of Cass- she doesn't eat refined sugar) that we all ate, with a sugar rush to follow. I won't even tell you how many of those I ate. Suffice it to say I did not skip my running the next day.

The T-shirts were my sister's idea. Eric is the one that had introduced our family to Dave Ramsey, so I personalized some little tees for them. They read "Show Me the Money" , "I see debt people" and my favorite- "Debt Free Baby". I can't wait to see them on that baby- now if he would just get here!


  1. Those cupcakes look delish. Everyday's a party there isn't it!

  2. shannon- it kind of is a party...heaven knows we got the treats for a party every day!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?