Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Bag is the Best Part!

Let me start by saying this. I know that life is hard sometimes and unexpected (below post). But sometimes simple small things can make a person very happy.....or very irritated.

Take shopping bags, for instance. You know how great it is to walk through the mall with two or three cute little tote sacks hanging from your greedily clutched fists? (dillard's alert everyone-ugly bags equals less shopping there. *ick*) Of course! Every woman gets this! Imagine my horror today when I went into Bath and Body to use a coupon and buy an airline approved size lotion for my trip this weekend, and was totally cheated out of the famous TOTE.

I purchased room oil, spray scents, purse size lotion, and got a free full size lotion (Midnight Pomegranate, in case your are wondering). The cute little lady proceeded to SHOVE my purchases into a plastic bag no larger then a Ziploc. To make matters worse, she wrapped the oils in a huge wad of paper and then forced it into the bag.

When she handed me the receipt it would not fit in the bag. I made a very furious attempt to push it in, hoping she would say "oh! Let me get you a bigger bag!" but no. This girl was cold as ice. She did not even care that the girl next to her was handing HUGE totes to everyone with a smile while she happily stepped around the counter side. My girl did NO stepping. I will never go in that Orem shop again! The handles were stretched, the bag was ripping, and I still had shopping to do. Pleeeez!

I love shopping bags. I save them. I re-use them. I leave them with the tissue poofing out by my bedside for months to remind me of my shopping experience. This stupid plastic thing? I threw it away the moment I got home. Way to go and ruin the environment!

I took a picture, but my camera died before I could get it to later. But take my word for it. This was not the way Bath and Body was meant to be!


  1. Oh how sad!! I love the shopping bags! I too save them and re-use them. I was always the cool Valiant girls teacher because I always brought all my gear in Bath and Body Works bags, Old Navy bags, M&M World bags, etc. etc.

    Sorry about the stupid wench that cramed all your stuff in the stupid plastic monstrosity--she should be fired!

  2. Maybe their new motto should be, "Our store smells delightful, but our attitude stinks!"

  3. The only bag I ever get at the mall is a taco time sack.
    I'm more of a ross or target kind of girl with an occasional spree at the DI.

  4. Ewww. Does DI recycle their bags? That goes against everything that is holy in the tote bag world!

    I have issues with hand me downs and previously worn items... I can't even look through the racks with out wanting to sanitize my fingertips!

  5. I so love the bags that they hand out at Bath & Body. I know exactly what you are saying. One of my other favorite bags to tote around the mall is the oh so cute pink Victoria's Secret one. I may wear all white garments but I love a colorful bra to remind me that I am a girl.

  6. the bag is the best all the bright colors & the fresh clean crisp smell! Are you from Spanish Fork?

  7. Victoria
    I am! Do we know eachother??? Should we? If you are super cool the answer is YES.
    I am going to check your blog....

  8. I'm wearing a DI t-shirt right now. It says
    "If I knew having grandkids was this much fun I would have had them first."
    I'm just used to wearing hand me downs, I have an older sister.

  9. Mary- LOL!

    Ramona- I love B&BW bags! I like to put a (crappy, non-B&BW) gift in the B&BW bags just to see the disappointment on someone's face.
    Just kidding, I haven't really done that.

    But I've thought about doing that.

  10. My husband bought me some stuff from B&BW a few months ago, and it was in the CUTEST BAG! It was red and had all this writing across it, that said, pamper, relax, rest, this a big red bow. I loved the bag as much as what was inside. Then I told him how much I liked the bag, and said I hadn't seen it before, he said he had to pay extra for it :) too sweet.
    I didn't even know B&BW had plastic bags????

  11. hmmm, yes in fact I am super cool if you couldn't tell...I do live in Spanish Fork,whispering willows. I dont remember my ward's name though :( Ya I am not inactive I dont think. We move out of state every summer for my Husbands Summer Job. This year it extended till Oct 28th.

  12. Ok, as a guy I can't say I care how "cute" the bag is.

    But I will admit to shoving the big "non-cool" bag into the smaller "I'm from an expensive store" bag. Yes I am that superficial, and surprisingly ok with it.

  13. Just blog stalking around the neighborhood, thought I'd leave you a comment. I was just thinking about shopping bags this morning when I had to run out to the grocery store to buy milk for my kiddies to eat breakfast. I never know what to say when I'm asked paper or plastic,they both irritate me but this morning they didn't even bother to put my milk in a bag. How rude!

  14. I LOVE Spanish Fork! Seriously they have everything you could possibly need, & it's not super crowded. We really dont think we will ever move! Unless out of state. What part of town do you live in? What ward are you in? Do you know what they are building next to Macy's? It has been killing me to know. I've heard Target or Costco...either would be divine

  15. SF???

    Me too.....sort of.
    Address? SF. Phone #? Salem.

    I heard they are building a stinking Home Depot! (I had originally heard it was going to be BOTH target and Costco). I've been depressed ever since. Like we need another Home Depot.

  16. Ramona, This is such a funny story. I had to tell Ivan about it and he laughed. Now he knows where I get it from.

    I just went to return an item to Aeropostle and the cashier was so rude. Instead of nicely asking why I was returning it (i.e "doesn't fit, don't like the color?) You know, say something in a nice way. He very abruptly and rudely says: "Why are you bringing this back?" and he sounded so stuck up. Then the cashier doesn't even try to make basic small talk or anything while we are waiting for the return to go through. No, he just talks to another worker. Then he hands me my return reciept without saying anything. I'm so pissed off at this point I crumple up the bag I had the shirt in and throw it on the counter. I walk off saying "Throw that away for me, will ya?"

    It's awesome, I've become such a B**** when not getting the service I deserve.

    So I don't blame you sis! You shouldn't have to ask for the obvious at a store! They are there to help you. Don't go back to that store! Stand strong!

  17. Ramona!! I am so excited to see you found me! I am back in touch with the Burton Fam!! Sorry I have not been too into blogging for a bit, but I will get better, we are moving right now so life is hectic!

  18. Home Depot NOOOO! Ugh what a boring store

  19. you have got to be joking!!! i would have ASKED for a tote. i am THAT person. I would not put up with that for a second. i would have said "excuse me, this bag is way too small. and the best part of coming here (for me) is the BAG." be assertive girl!

  20. I am laughing so hard because up between my bathroom cabinets and shelf is a blue B&Bworks bag from when I used a gift certificate a month ago. I keep going to clean it and then I just leave it there. It reminds me of how fun it was smelling everything. (I bought bubble bath and the same cherry blossom lotion my daughter uses but she's gone to college now, so i can still smell it whenever I want.)
    The Most awesome use for a great gift bag....I use mine for a sack lunch when I would go on a field trip with one of my daughters. You can dispose of it, but you feel great carrying it around the aquarium or whatever.

  21. I love the sack lunch idea- plus using as a double treat bag on Sunday's.....well, who woulda thought a bag could make us feel so good?
    Department stores TAKE NOTE!

  22. You ever watch NCIS and see how Gibbs slaps Tony upside the head? Or even those lame "You should've had V8" commercials where they slap 'em upside the noggin? You so should taken the wimpy bag and slugged her upside the head...I hate stupid people.

  23. Ha, after you put this up the add that has been chosen for your page was a 'Green reusable shopping bag'
    The spies!

  24. Ramona, Do you remember how everyone use to take their kids to that semi-tacky place in S.F. to get their kids pictures taken? (supposedly the main photographer USE to be the manager at Kiddie Kandids, so that obviously qualified her). Well, I went to her once and NEVER went back because everyone else had darling props and fake backgrounds and such in their pictures and she just plopped my kids on this ugly blue stained carpet and snapped their picture. I was like, "Am I and or my kids not cute enough to deserve props?" So I totally understand about the bag. It's total discrimination. PS - I buy Kaycie and Taylor shirts at Hollister just to get the bag. And when I shop at Target I always ask for "Paper" instead of "Plastic". Their paper bags rock! I have about 30.

  25. To Victoria Elder who commented above asking about what's going in next to Macey's, don't hold your breath. It's a Home Depot (ick*) Target and Costco have both done impact studies in Spanish Fork, but have since backed out (we have a close family friend on the planning commission + my next door neighbor is a manager at the A.F. Target and is dying for them to build down here so she can transfer down and was depressed when she found out it wasn't going to happen). I am VERY disappointed. If Target tracked their customers they would find out that probably half their business comes from all of us South Utah County gals who jump in the car and drive out to shop there.

  26. Target has paper bags??!! Since when? I am so excited for October 12th...sure it's my sister Katie's birthday...yay...but the Target down the street from ME opens!! I don't have to drive 20 minutes anymore I am so bloody excited!! And oh yay it's Kat's b-day....wonder if she'll let me go to Target on her birthday?Hmmm...


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