Monday, September 29, 2008

My blogging eyes are opened

I started noticing cute and funny blogs. I started commenting. People read my comments and came to say hi. Now blogging is a part of my life, my networking, my therapy in the grown-up world, almost as soothing as knowing I alone will get to lick the bowl by myself.

Anyway, I am on va-cay this week in the New England states (stop! I know....) and so I am letting you in a super blogging tradition. It is Kristina P and her here for her current contest.

I won't give it all away, but it is something very yummy covered with frosting. She is celebrating 20,000 hits. I did a dance the day I got 200. It is all good. Your prize was not witnessing my wicked moves.

And I have learned some really cool things and can't wait to show you great pics of me squinting in the rain with frizzy hair that was once straightened in front of historical mansions and such. You can't wait....but you will have to.


  1. How fun- where are you at? Which mansions did you go to?

  2. If you win, I will definitely bring them to the meet and greet, so you can flaunt them in everyone else's face. I'm cool like that.

  3. I hope you are having fun!!! I know, I like cats, it is just my crazy neighbor being irresponsible, arg!! you are my hero for blogging on va cay!! wow.

  4. I don't understand, I feel confused... but I am neon green with envy for the va-cay amidst trees, I miss trees

  5. Hey what the fudgicle?! I live in New England, what's with this "I Know" comment? Pshaw!! CT rocks, it's Apple Harvest Festival week here, warm apple fritters and apple crisp. Eat them apples!!Uh..YO!

  6. what?! didn't you just go camping? you guys are vacation loving fools.

    I'm just jealous.

  7. I sure want to go to New England (and old England for that matter) someday! Jealous.

    I can't wait for pictures. :)

  8. Uuuummmm..what the crap happened to the comment I left this morning? CRAZY!!

    Anyways--I was going to tag you today but I thought I would be nice since you are on vacay and don't have much time!

    I can't wait to see the pictures! Frizzy hair and all (I have the WORLD'S FRIZZIEST HAIR EVER!!--HATE IT!!)

  9. Are you home yet? We need to talk!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?