Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Hos

Just as stated in 'Mean Girls', Halloween is a great opportunity to let the Ho in you shine. How about some HOT Halloween Hos from the family party!

As for me (the devil woman on the right, since me and my sisters kind of look alike), this was my THIRD dress purchase of the day. Stupid costumes with rips and faulty zippers....grumble grumble grumble.... I also had no idea the front panel in my dress was so mesh like, so my white bra was pretty much shining for all the world to see all night. *oopsy!*

Is my family full of Hotties or what? Even the sister-in-laws played.

Now the kids....

my nephew (Fred from "Scooby") and my oldest in my cheer outfit (it is finally good for something, seeing as how it never had the Rachel affect on men for me)

Masty G and Hammy are getting in the spirit (yes- they found these costumes in the bin, I paid them to come up with there own thing this year!). My Ham boy started out as a Mad Scientist, but that merged into a Zombie Face..... I guess that's his prerogative!

And finally....the annual cake

Major thanks to the CAKE WRECKS blog for listing this idea as overwhelmingly tacky and gory.....sounds perfect for my family party!

Happy Halloween!
(stay tuned for your Messy House winner pics....)


  1. love the fred costume! and today I was thinking about Mean Girls too! its like our one op to Ho it Up!

  2. Uhm, that's a family party? Holy crap you guys go all out!

  3. I LOVE THE CAKE. OH my gosh I love the cake

  4. That cake is awesome.

    And I currently look like a tranny drag queen. And I'm not even dressed up. (J/K)

  5. I love the costumes!

    I wish I had something more than our ward halloween party to dress up for so I could go all out.


    The cake is perfect.

  6. I have to say, this time of year I so love my family and the craziness that ensues when we get together. It is always a blast, and Halloween is just as anticipated as Christmas some years.

  7. What fun! Love the Ho's, love the cheerleader boy, (hee hee, tell him too bad he was born a gurl, cause he would'a made a purty one!)The cake, you guys really get into it, that is awesome!

  8. P.S. The bra just adds to the ho-ness I think!

  9. Oh man...I missed the family party. Wish I could have been there!

  10. Love the HO-ness!! You look great!!

  11. Travis told me the party was a blast! I'm so glad you put up some pics! You Burton Girls are major hotties!! Work it!!

  12. Love the cake!! Cake Wrecks is one of my favorite sources of inspiration. :)

  13. What a fun family, your kids are so creative. My mom raised us kids to think Halloween was evil, good thing I rebelled.

  14. Halloween. . .the time where men dress like women and women dress like ho's! And its ok!

  15. Can I join your family? I'm thinking that, with a little bit of encouragement and patience, I could be a Ho too!

  16. Great fun! Fun family! Loving the cake!

  17. What fun...we do no family parties like this!! Love your costume!! The cake looks great, did you make it or find it? I saw it on cake wrecks but did you find the same bakery?LOL!

  18. Your cake turned out way cute. That looks like a way fun party. It is fun to be someone else for a night.

  19. Hey is the one in the brown shirt Monse? I need to find her. She was one of my teachers at Centro a few years back. LMK. Tell her to contact me through my blog link. Thanks.

  20. Ahhh! We made it through the Halloween weekend and had a great time. Hope you guys all had a great Halloween too.

  21. My husband and I LOVE the cake! Cool party

  22. SO I took your poll on who I should vote for on the issues
    I thought I was for McCain and I was 73% Obama, good to know!!

  23. Wendy- that is so funny!

    I thought I was NOT McCain, and it turns out I am 70% for the lizard seizure man! What's up?


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?