Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Vote for a Mess

Well fine then. Everyone acts all amazed and mad that my pictures of my house looked.....well, clean. I took them as is, but as I said earlier- I strategically placed my camera.

Now, to make you all feel better I am letting you PICK A MESS and I will photograph it. I will let you see my mess...... and you will all think I am the biggest slob ever and you can even bash me anonymously if it will make you feel better. Make your voice heard! Rock the vote! Peace, Love and Blah Blah Blah!

- dirty kitchen floor/70's ripped linoleum
- my closet crammed with clothes, piles of shoes, and other un-used items
- our extra 'junk' room, including the stack of sheet rock for the room 'make-over' that is still waiting to happen (has been waiting for 10 years)
- our mud room half of the laundry room- AKA the bottomless pile of shoes
- the grow-your-own clothing, magic piles which line my bedroom wall and foot stool
- my Un-vain Vanity, better known as the catch all flat surface free for garbage and rubbish sprinkled with lotions and jewelry and magazines and Tylenol PM
- kids bedroom- they clean their own, so it is usually slightly chaotic

Just leave a comment saying which mess intrigues you the most! VOTE NOW, two choices maybe, if you can't make up your mind, and you may just be lucky enough to see the other side of my sweet old house. The messy one.


  1. WOw! I finally was the first comment on a blog! hahahaha

    Okay, I am voting , too.
    I vote for my dirty vanity- because I think it is a mess that really defines me


    the shoe pile/mud room,
    because I am hoping if I show it you all will have clever ideas on how to fix it up and conquer the clutter

  2. Since when do you get a vote! Silly Girl! My vote is for the ditry vanity. (It might make me feel better about my own..) ;)

  3. I want to see it all!

    I am getting a post ready for Monday with all of the messy parts of my house. Let's do it together!

  4. I want to see the junk room so I can zoom in on it and see all the weird things you've bought in the past.

  5. Definitely the junk room. Even when I'm at your house I don't dare look in there.
    I always imagine it being really cold.

  6. Vanity and closet! It's ALWAYS about the closet!

  7. Closet and vanity. I want to see your wardrobe. :D

  8. I totally want to see the vanity! I know that I can't even see the top of mine.

  9. I want the shoe pile/mud room. I doubt it's as bad as mine is!

  10. This is so funny - I truly thought I wanted to see "real life" pictures, but as I went through the list it was "No". "No." "Oh no, not that". I had a strange realization that seeing the mess would just depress me. What is up with that?

  11. Junk room!

    I'm the friend that Shelly says you remind her of me... I'm glad you are cute as well!

    I still run, but not like I did for training for the 1/2 marathon. A long run now is only 5 miles. :)

  12. I didn't mean to give you a bad time about your clean house! I too have lovely linoleum (sp chk?)

    The key is to zoom in on the mess. People thought my house wasn't too dirty. If you could have seen what was smeared all over the counter tops in my bathroom! (toothpaste, soap squirts, and reminents of kitty litter... then people would have been appalled). I should have taken a picture of the monster laundry pile in my bedroom since it doesn't fit in my laundry closet!

    I think we should see your junk room. Rock the vote!

  13. Ramona,
    SO SORRY I missed your B-day breakfast..It is my day to help at kiddo's school..hope it was yumm-o...Let's plan another time..
    And BTW..this post above me ..makes me alittle nervous??? how bout' YOU???
    love ya, Marie

  14. I hear you on the "kids clean their own rooms" thing. If they are half as "clean" as my kiddo's rooms it could be pretty scary.

    I'm going to have to say the vanity and the grow-your-own clothing piles just because I need to see if it's worse than mine. Honestly, isn't it easier to get ready when everything you need is already out - RIGHT THERE where you can see it, grab it, use it?? That is how my vanity/bathroom counter (my side - Matt's side is pretty much clutter free at all times. I love being married to a man who is clean and puts things away and yet doesn't seem too bothered when my side is messy!) looks most of the time.


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?