Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Breakfast of Champions

I have shopping to do, laundry to fold, coupons to clip and 3 clients scheduled....

This breakfast has never failed me yet!


  1. switch that to Regular Coke and a Raspberry Cream cheese Bear Claw and I'm right there with you.

  2. Oh man. I want some chocolate cake. I had a bagel and light cream cheese. And it was a MINI bagel on top of that! booo

  3. My "breakfast of champions" has always been leftover chocolate swirl cheesecake from my birthday. I figure that's got the dairy in there, too.


  4. I have had two mini Snickers this morning.

    And I love how on Reader, this picture is right above your calorie counter ticker thing.

  5. Mmmmmmmm!! Looks YUMMY except for the nasty Diet Coke!!

  6. Oh, yummmmy. Agreed with Jillene.. yucky diet coke!

    Unfortunately I'm sick with a stupid stupid cold and even if that was in front of me I'd probably only be able to take one bite. I don't want/crave anything right now!

    I hate it.

  7. I wish I was you & ate this for breakfast this morning!

  8. That looks SO much better than the south beach diet bar I ate while driving through the snow this morning. Mmmmmm.... chocolate.

  9. Last night at 11:00 I discovered that we were out of milk so I went to the store and bought some milk.

    And brownies.

    Because if I have to go to the grocery store at 11:00 at night to buy milk, GOSH DARNIT I DESERVE BROWNIES!

    I had one for breakfast and washed it down with a diet Coke.

    I guess great minds think alike.

  10. Wouldn't that be better with a nice cold glass of milk?

  11. Can I come to your house for breakfast? I had a banana and some hot chocolate. Boring.

  12. I would have to have regular Coke, but that breakfast looks great! Wish I had me some chocolate cake right now!!

  13. I had a giant chocolate muffin/cupcake thingy from Costco this morning. Yay for empty calories!

  14. I had an energy pill which worked until about noon and then I ate a huge burrito and a diet coke.

  15. Yay for Diet Coke, for me it is a food group and I'm pretty sure my body would implode without it, and nobody wants to see that.

  16. That cake looks a lot easier than ALL the mini candy-bar wrappers I had to unwrap this morning for breakfast.
    see ya in two weeks!

  17. oh, I always thought the breakfast of champions was the diet coke alone! Who knew you could add two cupcakes and a slice of chocolate cake to it for additional nutrition!

  18. Looks perfect, but I need caffenie in my diet coke!!!

  19. Make it a diet Dew and I am right there with ya! Hope you made it through your crazy day.

  20. What IS that chocolatey dream?!! Serious, honest to gosh, I just got up to find something sweet...all I could find was Cocoa Pebbles...and yes I ate them!

  21. dang, I'm drooling. that looks so freaking awesome. I loved on Monday morning's waking up and there'd still be left over FHE cake in the microwave...I'd always run to the kitchen first thing to eat some.

  22. I stumbled onto your blog from a friend of mine's and your first post is chocolate and caffeine... I LOVE you preimary presidential breakfast. When I was PP my breakfast of champions was Dr. Pepper and those "HEAD SIZE" costco muffin with umteen amounts of crap and calories on board... nothing better!! Can't wait to read more!

  23. I saw the heading of your last blog entry on my friend's blog. I couldn't help but comment. Chocolate and Diet Coke?? 2 of my favorite things!!

  24. Just to clarify

    This DIET COKE is NOT caffeine free.

    Gees people, don't ruin my life!

  25. Oh yeah...I guess I should go eat some breakfast. No wonder I'm so crabby this morning.

  26. I love it! Everything tastes better with a DC.

  27. did you save some chocolate cake for me?

  28. Ramona, it's Chelsey (Tiffany's sister). I so enjoy your blog. And, I'm a girl after your own hear. Nothing beats chocolate and Diet Coke together.

  29. They say is breakfast is the most important meal of the day... I think you've got it just right.

  30. This would be the perfect bedtime snack too--so versatile isn't it?

  31. Looks awesome. had bacon wrapped scallops for breakfast. Hey! the hubby is out of town so I pig out on whatevah! I am going private. Check out the blog missyloo!

  32. I love how you made it so no one can leave you a comment on your post today (6th). Smart move. I am loving your blog.. Today I read some of your previous posts. Funny. Does that make me a stalker? I can see why people do it. Or is it when you look but don't leave a comment?

    By the way whats up with you and sweets? (excluding the diet coke) I would eat that every lunch and dinner too. If I didn't look like thats what I ate as it is.

  33. oops, when I said today I ment the 7th. I am a dork. It's a lovely post thanks for sharing.

  34. Mmmmmm....CHOCOLATE!!! I'm more of a pepsi person myself, but coke works too. :)

    I wish I was one of those clients. I am in desperate need of a massage!


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?