Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Let's Play "I Spy"

This for all of you haters out there that said "Wow. Your house is so clean. I can never do this photo tag!" (which is laughable) HERE YA GO.

First- my vanity. It is supposed to be a cute little place to nestle together my lotions and jewelry for me to enjoy. It is this.......................

I spy a string cheese wrapper, ( or two, my favorite in bed snack), a gray wrestling t-shirt of my sons (his bedroom is 10 feet from mine. Why is this still there?), a lotion bottle that is magically balanced in an empty drinking glass, curling ribbon (what if I want to wear that? Just what if!!!) and a mall receipt from last years Christmas. What I don't spy is my cute Shabby Chic vanity. I am going to get rid of this whole thing because it is such a clutter magnet.

WAIT there is more! This room has potential to be a bedroom, possible laundry and storage room, or even a crafter's dream! Instead it is this:

Please note the blue tote that is our 'dress up' tote. It is almost empty, but the dress-ups are strewn around on the floor. The drum set is my sisters- my kids insisted they could play it and start a band. It is too big for a bedroom (and a junk room). I need to take it back. You can also see my Living Scriptures VHS collection (instant Family Home Evening- stop your coveting NOW)and the sheet rock that should be on the walls is leaned agianst the side making and INSTANT SHELF for my junking pleasure! The best thing about this room is the brick chimney you can see behind the movies. When we ripped down the trailer court paneling to start on this room I was so excited about this. Now it is the only saving grace of the room. Bonus points if you can spy the heating blanket (that now longer heats) and the monster truck toy. It belongs to my husband, not my kids.

Don't worry. I have already sent pictures to Oprah and In a Fix, and I am sure they are on their way to help.

Now me......

I love my wet curly stringy hair, don't you? The best part of this photo is the robe I got at Dillard's on clearance, for 9 bucks. I will admit this; I took a few shots before I got this one, which I can deal with. I wasn't smiling in the others and the lighting wasn't right, so I kind of looked like a convict. This shot reveals the true size of my nose. (large)

Hope you enjoyed seeing a couple of my messes. Take my word for it, there are plenty more. I hope I will have them cleaned up before my kids move out.

Now quit blogging and go vote (but don't tell me who you are voting for. I don't want to know!)


  1. I absolutely love your messes. They make me feel, um, normal?

    Thanks for coming by Tender Mercies. Give my "main" blog a look, the World According to the Little Fish (recently raved about by Clan of the Cave Hair, because she'll have to love me eternally.) The url is mina-anne.blogspot.com

    Happy Birthday. Thanks for not being in your 20s. ;-)

  2. This makes me feel much better about my life. :)

  3. YAY! You're normal! Love it! You do look good without make up too. You did tell me I do, but I will tell you that I NEVER leave my house without make up. I mean NEVER. So that was a hard one for me to do. I think that we are always much harder on ourselves than we are on others.

  4. The post I did yesterday, of MY dirty house, garnered the most comments I have ever received. Apparently, people appreciate it when you are being real. And I concur by seeing this fun post - I love the messes...it adds personality to your house. And honestly, your picture looks cute. I wish I had dark hair.

  5. Love your messes. If you could see my kitchen sink right now. It's a total disaster!...Right now my kids are fishing out junk from under the stove.Gross! Hurray for messes.

    You still look so pretty even with wet hair and an a robe.

  6. Wonderful messes! Love it!
    Yes, I'm busy still at USSynthetic. I'll be here until i die, or they kick me out...whichever comes first...

  7. Your vanity is super cute!

    And I love the brick in your junk room.

    If I could take you to my parents house in Washington you would feel very very good about yourself :)

    You are beautiful!!

  8. P.S. You are 38? Sheesh. I will be 32 next week, and you look younger than me. Although...yesterday my gynecologist told me I look 23. Compliment or not?!?

  9. Erin- I am afraid of the compliment from your Gyno- what was he doing when he said this?

    AND you too can have dark hair just like mine....it is courtesy of Nice N Easy- and covers gray swimmingly!

  10. I am glad I am not the only one with a few messes!

  11. Don't get rid of that vanity! It's beautiful!

    You look great in that picture. I don't think your nose is all that large but then I like larger noses. I think that they are cool.

  12. AWESOME!! Did you get your necklace? I got mine and I LOVE IT (mine is different than yours but it's WAY cute)!!

  13. Jillene I got it and it has been worn with pride already. I LOVE it so much...I will have to post pics later.
    Thx! Thx! Thx!

  14. Meh, I've seen messier, like every time I walk into my room.
    I voted for Lance Bass, on DWTS.

  15. Oh Good! You are normal!

    Are you really getting rid of the vanity? I will pay you for it!! I adore it!!

  16. Ramona,
    SO.. I SPY a AWESOME "arms-length-pic" good job!!!:)

  17. There's the slob I knew was underneath all that prim and proper cleanliness!! Ahhh, I feel so much more connected to you now! LOL

  18. I think you should re-name your junk room your "treasure room"
    My kids have spent the last few visits to Grandma's house going into her basement and seeing what "treasures" they can find. And my mom is all too happy to let them take the stuff home.

    My junk room is my office. That's probably why I don't get much work done.

  19. I love this post, only because I now know you are human, not always perfect, but still FABULOUS.

    I'll be honest, I took about 10 pics of my "self photo" on my pic tag because I too felt that it was the only one slightly presentable. I almost went a put on makeup because I was so mortified. But I was trying not to cheat.

    By the way, your nose is not large! You are probably the only one who thinks so.

    And your house, not even bad. Have you seen the show CLEAN HOUSE! You don't even have to worry. Plus everyone has a "catch all" clutter peice of furniture. Mine is my dresser, nightstand, bathroom counter... wait... I'm confessing too much now!

  20. almost forgot, I tagged you in a new tag!! you're it!

  21. i love the string cheese wrappers! I have slim jim wrappers. those two go together like PB&J

  22. Is that vanity oak? I love the twig wreath thing, but man I hate oak... beat the crap out of it to make it more shabby! :) You need something you can just wipe everything off into and close, that's my method of cleaning, Kristen isn't a fan. I love the sombrero center stage in the junk room. classic. Next year pay the kids to be drywallers for Halloween and VOILA yur walls will be up!

  23. Ramona, I've always loved your "junk room" i think it has so much potential, because I too love that exposed brick. Anyways, your house is always so stinking clean i'm glad to see a few pics that remind me your still a Burton.

  24. this is great. I did this same post about a week ago and it's actually a little bit liberating to say "here I am with all my normalness. Carry on and feel better about yourself." :)


You are writing history at this moment.... isn't it great?